National Coalition to Stop the Gun Ban Response to Senator Feinstein

by NHFC, Inc. on January 26, 2013

The New Hampshire Firearms Coalition is a founding member of the National Coalition to Stop the Gun Ban.  On Thursday, January 24, 2013 the Coalition responded to Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s new gun ban proposal.  I have attached their open letter below.

The proposed ban, which does not yet have a bill number will ban thousands of firearms and magazines from future sale.  It goes far beyond the much hated and now infamous Clinton gun ban of 1994.   The Feinstein gun ban is co-sponsored by the usual crowd of anti freedom, anti gun and anti self defense Democrats.  Democrat Representatives Carolyn McCarthy (NY) and Ed Perlmutter have sponsored similar legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives.

The guns being targeted by this ban are not “assault rifles” which are military machine guns, which have been heavilly taxed, regulated and virtually unavailable to the public since 1934. The firearms which are the subject of this legislation are semi automatic firearms that function the same way as any other semi automatic firearm, one trigger pull discharges one cartridge.  The firearms which will be banned by the Feinstein bill are firearms which are in “common use”; the very type of firearm protected by the Heller and McDonald Supreme Court rulings. 

Senator Charles Schumer and others have repeatedly called the guns “assault rifles” in order to confuse you and the public about the guns they want to ban which, in reality, differ from other firearms only by cosmetic features.   Senators Feinstein and Schumer seem to think that if they repeat the same lies they will be believed.

Do not believe the lies  and rhetoric coming from politicians who will exploit tragedies, such as the murder of children to further their pre-ordained agenda to follow the disarmament path of Britain and Australia. Unlike other countries, the Framers designed our Republic to keep Americans free, and freedom means keeping arms in the hands of the people.

Here’s what you can do to help stop the Feinstein gun ban:  Call, email or fax both U.S. Senators from New Hampshire.  Tell them that you are opposed to any form of a gun ban; including taxes, registration, magazine restrictions or any other type of gun control.  Insist that there are no acceptable  provisions of this gun ban bill.

Make sure that you remind Democrat Senator Jeanne Shaheen (who is up for re-election in 2014) that it was a short 20 years ago, 1994 when her Democrat party lost control of both houses of Congress for passage of a similar gun ban.

Tell Republican Senator Kelly Ayotte that you expect her, as a Senator from New Hampshire and a member of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s leadership team to be a leader in the fight to stop this legislation.

Contact Senator Shaheen by clicking here.  And contact Senator Ayotte by clicking here.

You also need to contact your Member of Congress and deliver the same message.  Since both House Members from New Hampshire are Democrats, remind them that this sort of legislation cost their party control of Congress in 1994.

Contact Congresswoman Carol Shea Porter (District 1) by clicking here and Contact Congresswoman Ann M. Kuster (District 2) by clicking here.

Remember to be polite and respectful when contacting your elected officials.  Please also share any written responses that you receive with the New Hampshire Firearms Coalition.

In Liberty,

Jonathan R Evans, Signature

Jonathan R. Evans, Esq.
President, NHFC


Democrats at Feinstein press conference lie to Americans

Congress and the American people:

Today, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) pulled out all the stops in holding a press conference to introduce her long-anticipated ban on modern rifles and magazines, including universal registration of all gun sales. And today, you have been fed lies by the same politicians who have been trying to confiscate guns since at least the early 1990’s.

At the conference, Democrats, including Sens. Feinstein, Richard Durban (D-IL), Charles Schumer (D-NY) and Representative Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY) , recycled virtually every cynical distortion used by gun ban advocates in their effort to divide and defeat not only Second Amendment supporters, but all freedom-loving Americans.

Lies you are being told:

“We don’t want your guns”

Durbin and Schumer appealed to hunters and sportsman, saying: “We don’t want to take your guns.” But their histories and the history of the gun control movement say otherwise. These cynical manipulators of tragedy hope you don’t remember 1994, when passage of the Brady Act, and then the ban on semi-automatic firearms, was immediately followed by “Brady II,” a draconian gun ban which would have given the BATF power to search the homes of law-abiding Americans and would have banned most common self-defense handguns and magazines.

In the present proposal, the “one feature” test for semi-automatic firearms could ban even a .22 caliber rifle if it has a “thumbhole” stock. More importantly, the arbitrary magazine capacity limit will apply to defensive handguns, limiting your ability to protect yourself and your family.

The legislative history of Sens. Feinstein, Schumer and Durbin is that they will take what they can get, and they will not stop in going for the rest. If they pass this ban, more will follow and they will go after your hunting rifle or shotgun. These people have been consistent and clear, they want to prohibit law abiding citizens from owning any type firearm.

“No right is absolute”

Schumer said these are “reasonable limitations” to your Second Amendment rights because, after all, “no right is absolute.” He argued that our First Amendment right to freedom of speech doesn’t allow you to yell “Fire!” in a crowded theater. Apparently, however, this Harvard-educated lawyer is unfamiliar with the concept of “prior restraint.” Prosecuting someone for wrongly yelling “fire” represents prosecution of those who abuse their rights. By contrast, gun control is a restraint on the rights of the law-abiding. If the gun control model were applied to freedom of speech, you would be bound and gagged before entering the theater on the premise that you might yell “fire.”


“Only the ‘Gun Lobby’ opposes reasonable measures”

As much as those who would restrict your freedoms want you to believe “the NRA” and the “gun manufacturers” are the only ones opposing restrictive gun control, understand that the National Coalition to Stop the Gun Ban represents a grass roots movement of millions of law-abiding gun owners, the vast majority of whom don’t earn a dime from this effort, and take time from jobs and families to fight for your civil rights. Ironically, it is the “anti-gun lobby” which actually comprises a small number of well-funded gun ban activists and their paid lobbyists.

“You don’t need an AR-15 to go hunting”

Regurgitated by several anti-gun politicians at the press conference, it was most completely expressed by Philadelphia Police Chief Charles Ramsey, who pointed to an AR-15 and said, “You can’t go hunting with something like that…there would be nothing left to eat.”

But the Second Amendment has nothing to do with hunting. In drafting the Bill of Rights, the Framers intended it as the last in a series of checks and balances against abuse of government – perhaps, indeed, the sort of abuse President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, Sen. Feinstein and others are determined to thrust on the American people.

“These ‘assault rifles’ are weapons of war”

The guns being targeted by this ban are not “assault rifles,” which are military machine guns virtually unavailable to the public since 1934. Yet Schumer and others repeatedly called the guns “assault rifles” in order to confuse you about the guns they want to ban which, in reality, differ from common hunting guns only by cosmetic features.

“If the magazine ban had been in effect, kids would be alive in Newtown today”

So claimed Sens. Richard Blumenthal and Chris Murphy (both D-CT), in a complete absence of any evidence to that effect. Virginia Tech shooter Seung-Hui Cho was reported to carry one hundred magazines, and most active shooters carry multiple firearms, making magazine capacity moot. Moreover, contrary to claims by gun ban advocates, the rate of violent victimization in schools during the period from 1994 to 2004, when the last semi-auto ban was in effect, increased by five-fold.

Coalition members reject these lies

The thirty-seven (37) participating organizations of the National Coalition to Stop the Gun Ban, representing millions of Second Amendment supporters, reject the lies being told to the American people in order to pass the Feinstein ban.

Some will urge you to “compromise.” The Coalition, however, regards “compromise,” as our opposition defines it, to be a process in which we lose slightly fewer of our rights than under the original proposal. Consequently, any legislation which registers or bans firearms; limits magazine capacity; registers private transactions through NICS; or restricts time, place or manner of self-defense is unacceptable.

Members of Congress who support gun owners by opposing all gun control will, in turn, benefit from support by Coalition organizations. Members of Congress who support gun control by any means, procedural or substantive, will be targeted for defeat by Coalition members. They will be subject to picketing, leaflet drops at events in their districts, phone and mail campaigns, and political action committee opposition. NRA ratings and endorsements will have no impact on Coalition actions.

Do not believe lies promulgated by politicians who exploit tragedy to further their pre-ordained agenda to follow the disarmament path of Britain and Australia. Unlike other countries, the Framers designed our Republic to keep Americans free, and freedom means keeping arms in the hands of the people.


The National Coalition to Stop the Gun Ban


National Organizations:

The Firearms Coalition

Jeff Knox, Managing Director

Chris Knox, Director of Communications

 Gun Owners of America

Larry D. Pratt, Executive Director

 Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership

Charles Heller, President

John Pierce, Spokesman

 Rights Watch International

F. Paul Valone, Executive Director

 Second Amendment Sisters

Marinelle Thompson, President

Lee Ann Tarducci, Director of Operations

Dave Yates, Co-founder

Dave Van, Co-Founder

State-level organizations:

Arizona Citizens Defense League

Dave Kopp, President

Arkansas Carry

Steve Jones, Chairman


Eddie Fulmer, Spokesman

Connecticut Citizens Defense League, Inc

Scott Wilson, Sr., President

Damas de la Segunda Enmienda

(Ladies of the Second Amendment, Puerto Rico)

Sandra R Barreras, Executive Vice President

 Firearms Owners Against Crime

Kim Stolfer, Chairman

 Florida Carry, Inc.

Sean Caranna, Executive Director

Richard Nascak, Executive Director

 Grass Roots North Carolina

F. Paul Valone, President

 Gun Owners Civil Rights Alliance, Minnesota

Joe Olson, President

 Gun Owners of California

Sam Paredes, Executive Director

Gun Owners of Maine

Shane Belanger, Executive Director

 Gun Owners of Utah

Charles Hardy, Public Policy Director

 Gun Owners of Vermont

Ed Cutler, Legislative Director

Shaun Kranish, Founder

 Iowa Gun Owners

Aaron Dorr, Executive Director

Michigan Gun Owners

Jeff LaFave, President

Michigan Open Carry, Inc.

Phillip Hofmeister, President

 Montana Shooting Sports Association

Gary Marbut, President

 Nebraska Firearms Owners Association

Wesley Dickinson, President

New Hampshire Firearms Coalition

Jonathan R. Evans, Esq, President

New Jersey 2nd Amendment Society

Frank Flamingo, President

Oregon Firearms Federation

Kevin Starrett, Executive Director

Peaceable Texans for Firearms Rights

Paul Velte, President

Pennsylvania, ACSL

Kim Stolfer, Legislative Committee Chairman

Shooters Committee on Political Education, NY

Stephen Aldstadt, President

Utah shooting Sports Council

Clark Aposhian, Chairman

Virginia Citizens Defense League

Philip Van Cleave, President

West Virginia Citizens Defense League

Keith Morgan, President

Western Missouri Shooters Alliance

Kevin Jamison, Press Officer

Wisconsin Carry, Inc.

Nik Clark, Chairman/President

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