NASCAR affiliate Lobbyist now working for gun bans….

by NHFC, Inc. on April 22, 2016

The gloves are off!  Anti gun former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has hired The DuPont Group, a Concord, NH based lobbying firm to push his gun-ban agenda. Shockingly, these are the same lobbyists who are employed by the New Hampshire International Motor Speedway, NASCAR and Crotched Mountain Resort.  These two New Hampshire institutions are now tainted by their affiliation with gun ban extremists.

The anti-gun idealogues have come out swinging, they have proposed a “killer amendment” to SB 336.  This anti-gun amendment intends to rewrite this pro-gun bill [SB336] into a bill that greatly expands the unconstitutional instant check. 

The DuPont Group and its principles are sneaky, they are quietly trying to get their anti-gun agenda passed and make money on our loss of freedoms, but we here at NHFC have pulled back the curtain and exposed these enemies of freedom to the light of day.  Most lobbyists act like prostitutes, they will work for whomever pays them.  Edward DuPont, Susan Paschel and Curtis Barry are three of those prostituting themselves to the highest bidder. 

Unfortunately for New Hampshire’s firearms owners, Rep. Dave Welch, Rockingham 13, has agreed to be the “water boy” for these lobbyists and anti-gun extremists.  He authored under his name their anti-gun agenda and has called for a special hearing on Tuesday April 26th to introduce this anti-gun amendment.  If this amendment passes, every anti-gun group in the country will follow their lead and start paying big money to every “money grabbing lobbyist” to take away our civil rights.

That’s right, even though New York gun control is a failure, criminals run rampant and violent crime is far more prevalent than in New Hampshire, Bloomberg wants to export New York style gun control to New Hampshire.  He wants to make New Hampshire like New York and snuff out our freedom.

What is really troublesome to me is that Edward DuPont is a former New Hampshire Senate President.  It seems that Mr. DuPont has forgotten his roots and what New Hampshire values really are.  Or maybe he didn’t forget and the allure of Bloomberg’s money got the better of him.  Whatever the reason, Edward DuPont is acting truly evil and he is working for the most evil of organizations, “EVERYTOWN FOR GUN SAFETY ACTION FUND” …known to most Gun Owners as “EVERYTOWN FOR GUN BANS”.

If DuPont, Barry and Paschel like New York gun control so much they should pack up shop and go live in New York; otherwise, leave New Hampshire alone, we are doing just fine thank you!

Click here to read an excellent report on the DuPont Group’s anti gun activities division.

Here is what you can do to help.

  • Call the DuPont Group at (603) 228-3322 and ask to speak with Edward DuPont, Susan Paschel and Curtis Barry and let them know that their anti-gun activities have been exposed.
  • Then, call the New Hampshire International Motor Speedway at (603) 783-4931 and let them know that you do not appreciate their affiliation with an anti-gun outfit.  Tell them that you take your Second Amendment rights very seriously and because they have hired the DuPont Group you now consider them just as anti-gun as their hired prostitutes in Concord. 
  • Then make the same call and deliver the same message to Crotched Mountain Resort at: (603) 588-2000.  The remainder of DuPonts clients are out of state interests who probably don’t care about the New Hampshire culture of freedom!
  • Lastly, call and email Rep. Dave Welch and tell him that you are onto his anti gun games and that you are outraged that he is trying to introduce and pass an anti-gun amendment for Michael Bloomberg.  You can call Rep. Welch at(603)642-4402 or click here to email him.

Finally, click here to email all of the members of the House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee and tell them that you want Michael Bloomberg’s anti gun amendment defeated and you expect them to pass SB 336 without further delay.

Thanks for your support.

In Liberty,

Alan M. Rice
Vice President & Training Director – NHFC

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