More on the Christie anti-gun record…

by NHFC, Inc. on December 16, 2015

I know that we have been sending a lot of email lately.  We don’t want to overwhelm you but we do want to keep you informed in “real time” as we receive important new information.

Last week wrote to you about all the anti-gun activities of Gov. Chris Christie, (R-NJ).

Predictably, when I sent my alert last week, the Christie campaign rolled out some pseudo pro-gun activists from New Jersey to say NHFC is wrong.  We have seen this before.  In 2012 we warned you about the gun banning former Massachusetts Governor, Mitt Romney.  As Governor, Romney signed legislation that banned numerous semi-automatic firearms and magazines.  But Massachusetts gun owners, who, like their New Jersey counterparts likely suffer from “Stockholm Syndrome”, and have probably never lived in a free state like New Hampshire.

One of the campaign mouthpieces, Matt Mowers, told NHFC Training Director Alan Rice to speak with one of these pseudo pro-gun activists.  Alan knows better and instead of speaking with another shill, he spoke with Alexander Roubian, President of the New Jersey Second Amendment Society, and Mr. Roubian explained in great detail why Gov. Christie is a foe not a friend of gun owners. 

On December 12, Mr. Roubian was interviewed by Granite Grok.  Alex spoke in detail about the anti-gun Christie record.  Click here to listen to Alex carefully explain the anti-gun Christie record.  If you prefer to read the Granite Grok report you can click here to read it.

Here are some of the greatest hits from the Christie anti-gun record. As Governor of New Jersey:

  1. Never addressed the rampant delays and illegal additional requirements at the municipal police level for the mere permission to only purchase a handgun.
  2. Could have waived the NICS requirement for those issued a permit within the past 5 years that already required a background check and paid a fee.
  3. Refused to appoint a pro-gun US Senator upon the death of anti-gun US Senator Frank Lautenberg.  Instead Gov. Christie took the unprecedented step of calling for an election thus handing the job to ultra-liberal, anti-gun Corey Booker at a time when the country desperately needed more pro-gun U.S. Senators.

The Bottom line: Gov. Christie has not and will not change.  One Christie supporter said “there will be no gun bans in a Christie administration”.  Maybe not, but there won’t be concealed carry recognition or repeals of other anti-gun laws either.  We here at NHFC wonder why these so called pro-gun folks from New Jersey are so enamored with their anti-gun governor that they are trying hard to convince free Americans to support him.

The Record (Hackensack, NJ) reports that: “It’s a record that Scott Bach, executive director of the Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs, has commended as an “excellent record” on guns.”

That might be “excellent” in New Jersey.  But in New Hampshire we prefer that people not face jail time for merely possessing a firearm.  Sure, Christie pardoned some of those “offenders”, but that was only after they were arrested, tried, convicted and likely spent tens of thousands of dollars on attorneys.  These things just don’t happen in Free America.  Scott Bach might just suffer from “Stockholm Syndrome”.

In the same article The Record also wrote:
“Christie’s record as a New Jersey moderate on guns looms as one of his biggest vulnerabilities in New Hampshire, where he competes for the Republican presidential primary nomination. New Hampshire is a staunch, pro-gun state where owners’ rights are enshrined in the state constitution.”

The reports of otherwise law abiding gun owners going to prison in Chris Christie’s New Jersey for conduct that is lawful in most other states just keep coming in.  On Monday, Andrew Pfitzenmayer was sentenced to 3 years in state prison for the victimless “crime” of carrying 2 handguns in his backpack while he looked for office space for his business.  He said that he had the guns with him because he was going to the range after the search for office space.

No one was threatened or shot and no property was damaged.  But in Chris Christie’s New Jersey that doesn’t matter: Andrew Pfitzenmayer is treated the same as a rapist! Sadly, he will spend time in state prison with hardened, violent criminals.

Gov. Christie could have directed his handpicked attorney general to NOT prosecute Mr. Pfitzenmayer; because justice would not have been served by sending a law abiding business owner to prison.  But anti-gun Chris Christie did not and now Mr. Pfitzenmayer will be a resident of the New Jersey State Prison.

That pretty much sums it up — and we here at NHFC will continue to inform you, the abiding firearms owners about the anti-gun Christie record.

As Alan Rice reported yesterday, there are other, more Second Amendment friendly candidates running for president.

Continue to watch your email because we will be sending more email updates on other presidential candidates very soon.

Thanks for your support.

In Liberty,

Scott A. Krauss
Vice President – NHFC

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