More details on Scott Brown’s gun ban record…

by NHFC, Inc. on April 12, 2014

After Jon sent you his report on anti-gun Scott Brown (see below) we were contacted by Anthony Bouchard of Guns and Liberty Radio.  Mr. Bouchard requested to interview an NHFC official about the anti-gun record of Scott Brown.

I am very proud to report, that on Tuesday, April 8, 2014, NHFC Board Member Alan Rice was interviewed by Guns and Liberty Radio Host Anthony Bouchard about NHFC’s update on the anti-gun activities of former Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown.

You can click here to listen to the interview.

If you want to hear Anthony’s commentary on Scott Brown click here to listen to hour 2.

Anthony Bouchard is the Director of Wyoming Gun Owners.

In Liberty,

Scott Krauss
Vice President, NHFC

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