Legislature To Vote on Mandatory Waiting Periods

by Secretary, NHFC on March 15, 2023

The New Hampshire Firearms Coalition is currently tracking HB 76, a bill to impose a 3-day waiting period between the purchase and delivery of a firearm from any licensed manufacturer or dealer to a law abiding citizen like yourself.  Currently, the Granite State has no waiting period when you purchase a firearm. Indeed, such waiting periods treat you like a lesser citizen, as if you are somehow “guilty” of some unknown heinous act that requires the authorities to keep a firearm out of your hands for a few days, “just in case.” 
As I’m sure you are well-aware, such a “just in case” mentality is a common ploy of those wishing to strip law abiding citizens like yourself of your precious rights. Today it would be a 3-day waiting period; tomorrow it could be weeks. Currently, Hawaii has such a waiting period of about 14 days, while California and Washington, D.C.—that bastion of law-abiding folks with such low gun crime—has a waiting period of 10 days.
I think you would agree with me that we don’t want New Hampshire to become like places such as California.
HB 76 needs to be defeated, and that is why I’m alerting you today. The bill is scheduled to go before the entire State House this Thursday, March 16, for a floor vote. Since it was released from the Criminal Justice and Public Safety committee without recommendation, the first motion would be to pass this terrible bill. 
Instead, I’m asking you to contact your State Representative to consistently cast votes against HB 76 and ensure its final defeat. 
And of course, NHFC will be watching the rollcalls to see who our friends and opponents truly are when votes are cast on the floor of the House.
Gun grabbers try every trick in the book to limit and invalidate your 2nd Amendment rights. 
Please contact your state representative today.
 You can cut and paste this into your email to your rep.
As a citizen and voter in New Hampshire, as well as a member of the New Hampshire Firearms Coalition which tracks and scores votes on bills dealing with 2nd Amendment rights, I’m very concerned about HB76 imposing a 3-day waiting period on purchasing a firearm.  This is yet another attempt to destroy our 2nd amendment rights.  While the bill makes a small carve out for domestice violence issues,   Additionally, this will hurt the firearms dealers and manufacturers with delays in selling  products made in NH.

Unfortunately, A better name for this bill would be the 2023 Carol Brown act for NH.  ‘No one helped her’: NJ woman murdered by ex while awaiting gun permit
The bill is headed to the floor with no recommendation, and I ask that you vote this ITL   
For Liberty,

JR Hoell, Secretary
New Hampshire Firearms Coalition

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