Legislative Season Is Starting and There Are a Number of Anti-Gun Bills

by Secretary, NHFC on January 8, 2024

This is the beginning of a new Legislative season and there are a number of anti-gun bills that we are tracking.

We will alert you as best possible.  Sometimes we only get notice on a Friday for a hearing that is the following Monday or Tuesday.  This is the case this week.

There are 4 gun related bills that the Senate Judiciary committee is having a hearing on.  Two of these are clearly anti-gun.  One of these might be pro-gun, it is not clear what the sponsors want to do about SB322 relative to licenses to carry, so we are watching this bill.  SB421 is potentially a very dangerous expansion of the criminal threatening statutes, and we are reaching out to the sponsors to find out their intended goal.  We might need to oppose this as well.

Lastly, there are two bills that are clearly targeted against the gun owners.

 SB 577, a bill that imposes a 3-day waiting period before you can take home your purchase of a legally acquired firearm.
At this time, the Granite State has no waiting period when you buy a legal product such as a firearm. These waiting periods treat you like a second-class minion, as if you might be “guilty” of some unknown horrible act that demands that government officials keep a firearm out of reach “just in case.”
Today it might be a 3-day waiting period. Tomorrow, our enlightened “lawmakers” could easily demand that it be 10 days, like in that bastion of law-abiding folks in Washington, DC, or go up to 14 days like the once beautiful state of California.
I’m sure you would concur that we do not, in any way shape or form, want to go the way of California.
You can beg bureaucrats for an exemption, but by the time you would get it you might as well have waited the 3 days. And to add insult to injury, while some people, like law enforcement, will be exempt, military veterans will not be exempt. So those of you who served this great nation, were entrusted with millions of dollars in military equipment along with military secrets, have to still wait if you want to buy a rifle. That is just plain wrong.
We defeated this same nonsense last year, and normally the legislature couldn’t file this bill a second year in a row. But because it is a Senate bill, not a House bill this time around, they can skirt their own rules. Yet, these same folks demand that you keep the rules to the letter.
SB 577-FN needs to be stopped in its tracks. It is scheduled for its first hearing before the State Senate Judiciary Committee on January 9 at 1:35 pm, in room 100 of the State House in Concord.
I’m asking you to please contact your State Senator to oppose this bill before the Senate Judiciary Committee and to oppose it when it reaches the Senate floor. In addition, continue to encourage your State Senator to support our 2nd Amendment rights against the gun-grabbers’ agendas.
Next, The New Hampshire Firearms Coalition is currently tracking SB 571-FN, a bill that demands that you must sell or give a firearm to a friend or family member exclusively through a government endorsed gun dealer.
SB 571-FN would require that you undergo a background check for each and every transfer of a firearm.
Of course, doing so creates a government tracking of each time you hand off a firearm to somebody, even as a gift.
Naturally, the bill attempts to claim that you can trust big government to not track these purchases, and that the gun dealer acts as the “seller” in such transactions. I think you would agree with me that we are way beyond the days of trust and giving the feds the benefit of the doubt, for the bill demands that the licensed gun dealer complete all government-required paperwork for the transfer.
In essence, this bill would allow government bureaucrats to track the movement of all of our firearms, treating law-abiding citizens like yourself as criminals, simply because you want to give a firearm to a friend or family member.
SB 571-FN needs to be stopped, and that is why I’m alerting you today. The bill is scheduled to have its first hearing before the State Senate Judiciary Committee on January 9 at 2:00 pm, in room 100 of the State House in Concord.
I’m asking you to contact your State Senator to oppose this bill before the Senate Judiciary Committee and to oppose it when it reaches the Senate floor. In addition, encourage your State Senator to consistently support our 2nd Amendment rights, and not allow the gun-grabbers to continue pushing their unlawful agendas.

You can sign in for each of these bills here: 


Please contact the Senate Judiciary committee and sign in against these 3 bills.  There is no reason for SB421 and the other two are very dangerous bills.

For Liberty,

JR Hoell, Secretary
New Hampshire Firearms Coalition

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