Last weeks action in Concord….

by NHFC, Inc. on May 8, 2017

I want to send you a report of last week’s action in Concord.

On Wednesday, April 19, I attended the Executive Council meeting to see who would vote for and who would vote against anti-gun Fish and Game Commissioner David Patch.   There was no vote and his name was not on the agenda.  I suspect that Governor Sununu removed his name from the agenda due to your calls and emails to all five Executive Councilors.  We need to keep the heat on, you now have their attention and they are waiting for the furor to quiet down.

It is very important to keep the calls and emails coming.  We cannot let them off the hook, we must insist that the nomination of anti-gun David Patch be defeated or formally withdrawn.  You see, if the Governor does not withdraw anti-gun David Patch stays even if he is not confirmed because R.S.A. 206:3 provides that:
“The members shall hold office for a term of 5 years, and each shall continue in office until his successor is appointed and qualified.”

I need you to call and email Governor Sununu and urge him to formally withdraw the nomination of anti-gun David Patch to the Fish and Game Commission.

You can call the Governors office: (603) 271-2121 and politely ask the receptionist to tell the Governor that you are opposed to having an anti-gun activist on the New Hampshire Fish and Game Commission.  Please urge the Governor to replace David Patch with someone who will not attack the Second Amendment and who will properly supervise the Fish and Game Department and work to stop the anti-gun activism in the department.

You can click here to email the Governor.  Please use this pre-written message:

Dear Governor Sununu:

David Patch is an anti-gun activist who Seconded the motion made at a Fish and Game Commission meeting to oppose Constitutional Carry.  A bill that you signed into law.  Furthermore, the Fish and Game Department has become a rogue agency that routinely violates citizens Fifth Amendment rights and we need Commissioners who will faithfully fulfill their statutory duties to be the “citizens’ representatives instead of promoting gun control.

Thanks for your kind consideration.

Please click here to find out who your Executive Councilor is and to find out how to contact him.  Please let the Executive Council know that anti-gun David Patch is completely unacceptable and that you expect him to be replaced with a nominee who will not attack your Second Amendment civil rights.

If you prefer you may call: (603) 271-3632 and simply ask the receptionist to deliver the above message to your Executive Councilor.

I also want to report what the Senate did with HB 84 to decriminalize loaded rifles and shotguns.

I’ll be blunt: Due to a few weak kneed Senators we did not get everything we asked for.  However, the amendment which passed the Senate, will stop the flagrant abuses by anti-gun Conservation Officers of those who may use the bed of a pickup truck to target shoot or who might lay a loaded rifle in or on a vehicle.  Furthermore, the Senate amendment will also allow loaded rifles in areas other than the passenger compartment of a vehicle.  Finally, those who are living in camper, RV or motor home, will not be denied their choice of a defensive weapon.  While not exactly what we have asked for, this does in fact represent an improvement over current law which contains an absolute prohibition on loaded rifles and shotguns in vehicles and has been grossly abused by overzealous Conservation Officers.

I believe that if the Senate amended version of HB 84 becomes law. it will help many law abiding firearms owners.  HB 84 will now go to a committee of conference to work out the differences between the House and Senate versions.  It is vitally important to decriminalize the carrying of loaded rifles.  This is not a fish and game, hunting or sportsman issue.  This draconian gun ban is a violation of the Second Amendment and we will keep insisting on a full repeal.  Once we find out when the committee of conference will meet and who will be on the committee I will send an action alert letting you know what needs to be done.

Thanks for your support.  Without you, the grassroots gun owners, we would no have come as far as we have.

Alan M. Rice
Vice President & Training Director – NHFC

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