Kelly Ayotte is Stabbing Gun Owners in the Back

by NHFC, Inc. on April 11, 2013

Anti gun legislation is being considered today, April 11, in the U.S. Senate.  New Hampshire Senator Kelly Ayotte is weakening.   She is planning to side with anti gun Senator John McCain and the compromiser Senator Lindsey Graham and oppose today’s filibuster of gun control.

When she ran for the U.S. Senate in 2010, Senator Ayotte made very specific promises to support the Second Amendment.  There were promises to oppose gun bans and only support checks that hampered criminals not law abiding gun owners.   Senator Ayotte promised to fight attempts to reinstate the Clinton gun ban.  She also promised to work to repeal the Federal Gun Free School Zones law.  But now, it seems that she is about to break those promises.

NHFC, Inc. has posted her candidate survey and advertisements on our website so that you, the law abiding gun owners, can see the promises that were made and are now being broken.

Senator Ayotte claims she wants a debate on these issues.  The filibuster WILL BE THE DEBATE!  It is the debate that could kill the anti gun bill.  Call Senator Ayotte and ask, why won’t you help Senators Paul, Lee, Rubio and Cruz stop gun control?

Click here to read Senator Ayotte’s promises.  Then, after you see the promises, call her and ask why she won’t help to stop gun control in the United States Senate?

Here are all the office phone numbers for Senator Ayotte:

Washington, DC – 202-224-3324
Manchester, NH – 603-622-7979
Nashua, NH     – 603-880-3335
Portsmouth, NH – 603-436-7161
North Country Office – 603-752-7702

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