It’s that time of year, begging for money and votes…

by NHFC, Inc. on September 24, 2018

There are three candidates for US House in District 2.  But only one has returned an NHFC Candidate Survey and pledged 100% support for Second Amendment rights.  That candidate is Justin O’Donnell and we have assigned him a grade of A*S.   Mr. O’Donnell has not only returned his NHFC Candidate Survey 100% pro-gun, pledging to push for many needed reforms in Congress, such as nationwide concealed carry, repealing gun and ammunition taxes, allowing interstate handgun sales and repealing gun free zones and much more like opposing all forms of gun and magazine bans, but he also has a webpage dedicated to Second Amendment issues.   Please click here to send an email thanking Justin O’Donnell for standing strong for the Second Amendment.

Sadly, the other two candidates think they can ignore firearms owners and have refused to complete and return the NHFC Survey to tell us where they stand on Second Amendment rights.  Incumbent Rep. Anne Kuster has not only refused to return her NHFC Candidate Survey, but some of her public statements are worrisome.  She said: “Congress should consider funding for research on gun violence, a legislative bump stock ban, and other comprehensive measures.”  Based on those statements, and her voting record in Congress, we have assigned a grade of D.  Please contact Rep. Kuster and urge her to complete and return her survey 100% pro-gun and to start representing New Hampshire voters and values instead of Nancy Pelosi’s values.

The third candidate is Steve Negron.  You might recall that NHFC Corporate Secretary, JR Hoell called him  the “great pretender” on Second Amendment rights.   NHFC assigned Mr. Negron a grade of F (RS).  We recently learned that Mr. Negron has elevated his “pretending” to a new level of hypocrisy by sending out an email asking Second Amendment voters to financially underwrite his campaign by claiming to support your rights.

As of now, his claims of support ring hollow.  When WMUR asked about changes to gun laws, he replied “None needed”. That’s right, Steve Negron, the “great pretender” seems to be OK with gun owners being taxed, regulated and even arrested if they stray over the state line while carrying concealed.

It is unfortunate that Steve Negron is still refusing to complete the NHFC Candidate Survey and go on the record to state support for crucial pro-gun reform measures, such as nationwide concealed carry recognition, interstate sales of handguns, repealing the federal gun free (criminal safe) school zone ban and repealing the 11% excise tax on firearms and ammunition.  Sadly, this is not surprising, because if Mr. Negron really supports Second Amendment rights, he would have a section on his campaign website explaining how much he supports your civil right to own firearms and what he will do in Congress for gun owners.  Sadly, his website remains silent on Second Amendment civil rights issues.  Steve Negron needs to go on the record and show his support before asking Second Amendment voters for their hard earned cash.  Gun owners have an interest in knowing where Steve Negron really stands.    Please click here to contact the campaign and urge Steve Negron to complete and return his NHFC Survey 100% pro-gun.

As always, thanks for your continued support!

In liberty,

Alan M. Rice
President – NHFC, Inc.

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