by NHFC, Inc. on March 31, 2017

Séamas Ó Scalaidhe(A*S)
Matthew Plache (?)
The New Hampshire Firearms Coalition is pleased to offer this Primary Election Guide for the Carroll 6 Special Election for the State Representative race. These grades are the result of each candidate’s answers to an extensive questionnaire, including any available public information: Below are quotes from their campaign websites.NHFC is a grass roots, single issue advocacy organization committed to protecting our the civil right to keep and bear arms. More information can be found out at on our website.

The NHFC, Inc. hopes that you will find this information useful when you vote on April 4th in the primary election for Carroll 6, Wolfeboro.

The scores mean the following:

A Solid 2nd Amendment supporter, votes with NHFC, Inc. position 100%.

? Inconsistent results.

*S Grade is solely based on survey, without a voting record to back it up.

Note: Only one candidate cared enough to get their completed survey to us before the deadline. The other candidate failed to meet the deadline for submission.

For that we think Mr. Ó Scalaidhe should be thanked for his responsiveness.
From the candidates own web pages: Mr. Ó Scalaidhe had made public statements showing both knowledge of relevant and current firearms related legislation. He has also expressed strong support for protecting our rights as shown below:

“Thanks to legislation sponsored by Wolfeboro’s Senator Bradley and signed into law by Governor Sununu, New Hampshire now has the best gun laws in the country. The contrast between our very low violent crime rate and places that have adopted prohibitionist firearms laws, such as Washington, D.C. and Chicago, could not be starker. It makes no sense, either logically or empirically, to believe that criminals willing to shoot people are deterred by gun control laws rather than the prospect of encountering an armed would-be victim. I will fight all attempts, however incremental, to infringe on our Second Amendment rights.”
Whereas: Mr. Plache has posted generic statements about the 2nd amendment and hunting, but has not clearly articulated why these are important rights to the gun owners. History has shown us that those who fail to grasp the importance of our rights tend to oppose those rights after being sworn into office. Here is Mr. Plache’s public statements:

“I am a strong supporter of our second amendment rights and I will work every day to preserve those rights in Concord. Additionally, as an outdoorsman and farmer, I understand the importance of preserving open space.”
If you know anyone who votes in Wolfeboro please forward our scorecard.  Due to the shortened timeframe for special elections, we will not be doing a postal mailing.  This email will be posted to our website.

Thanks for your support,

Alan M. Rice
Vice President & Training Director – NHFC

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