Important NHFC Updates…

by NHFC, Inc. on January 3, 2016

Last week, at the annual New Hampshire Firearms Coalition Board of Directors Organizational Meeting, I was honored and humbled that the Board chose me to serve as NHFC President.  I know that following Jon, I have some mighty big shoes to fill.  The Board also selected long time Board Member, Alan Rice to serve as Vice President.  Alan will also continue in his role as NHFC Training  Director. Together we will make a great team and I am confident that we will be successful at protecting our civil right to be armed.

I want to make sure that you saw the email that the Board sent out on Christmas eve.  I know that you were probably enjoying the holiday with your friends and families and may have missed it so I am re-sending it.  This email contains important information about the anti-gun Governor of New Jersey, Chris Christie (please see below).  About a week after we sent our latest alert, GraniteGrok reported that Gov. Christie has a poor track record with judicial appointments.    Most of the judges he has appointed have turned out to be anti-gun, activist judges who have a preference to legislate from the bench.  This was after Gov. Christie promised not to appoint activist judges.

We will send out more information on the other Presidential candidates very soon.

Please keep watching your email inbox for updates on New Hampshire state legislation.  As the 2016 State Legislative Session gets underway we will send detailed alerts on several anti-gun bills.  Most have been introduced by Rep. Katherine Rogers (D-Concord).  Bills like the 2016 Concealed Carry Ban (HB 1657), the 2016 Statewide Gun Ban (HB 1368) and the 2016 Gun Sales Tax bill (HB 1416).

Please watch your email for important information on when these bills will be heard in committee and what action you need to take.

Thanks for your continued support and best wishes for a happy and healthy New Year!

In Liberty,

Scott A. Krauss
President – NHFC

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