Important Legislative Update

by NHFC, Inc. on April 1, 2016

Alan and I have been telling you for over a year that judges have made new law.  This judge made law has created a situation where people who may lawfully purchase and possess firearms, can be and are being denied pistol/revolver licenses.  Chiefs are intentionlly abusing the “suitable person” language and are denying some applicants over clerical errors on the application.  What is worse is some chiefs have started to ask for additional information, something that is already prohibited by statute.

And things just keep getting worse… the New Hampshire Association of Chiefs of Police is opposed to any legislative remedies for this judge made law.  Even after our friends at the Womens Defense League pointed out how R.S.A 159:6 was intended as a racist, sexist law.

On March 14 the New Hampshire Senate Judiciary Committee held a public hearing on SB 336.  NHFC Vice President Alan Rice represented NHFC and our partners at Gun Owners of America at the hearing.  The Judiciary Committee listened, and then, in a true showing of bipartisanship, voted 5-0 to pass an amendment to SB 336 which in essence said that anyone who is not prohibited by state or federal statute from possessing a firearm is defacto qualified to receive a New Hampshire pistol/revolver license.

Curiously, the lobbyist for the New Hampshire Association of Chiefs of Police sat quietly in the back of the room but did not testify on the bill.  However, in the days between the hearing and the bill being considered by the full Senate, the Chiefs started working behind the scenes to kill the bill.  Fortunately, the Senate saw right through this elitist grab for power and passed the bill 14-10!  Our friend, Susan Olsen wrote an excellent report about what really happened on March 24.

Some police even break the law in the name of enforcing the law.  The Seabrook Police Department is using a form and asking questions that are clearly prohibited by R.S.A. 159:6 which says in part: “… The director of state police is hereby authorized and directed to prepare forms for the licenses required under this chapter and forms for the application for such licenses and to supply the same to officials of the cities and towns authorized to issue the licenses. No other forms shall be used by officials of cities and towns. The cost of the forms shall be paid out of the fees received from nonresident licenses.
II. No photograph or fingerprint shall be required or used as a basis to grant, deny, or renew a license to carry for a resident or nonresident, unless requested by the applicant.”

The Seabrook Police Department requires the applicants phone number (which is optional), phone numbers for references which are not allowed and a photocopy of the applicants drivers license.  Click here to read the official application form for yourself.

With behavior like this we have no choice but to push for Constitutional Carry.  The police MUST be required to obey the same laws that they have sworn to uphold!

Police Chiefs are hired to serve communities, investigate and prosecute crime and keep our roads safe.  They are not hired or paid to travel to Concord, in full uniform to seek to curtail the civil rights of the very taxpayers who pay their salaries!  We are including a list of the leaders of the the New Hampshire Association of Chiefs of Police. Do you live in one of their communities?  Call your Selectmen and let them know that you strongly object to their anti-gun, anti-freedom vitriol.

Name Title Town
Chief Robert L. Cormier President Tilton
Chief Glendron Drolet 1st Vice President Northwood
Chief Andy Shagoury 2nd Vice President Center Tuftonboro
Chief Ryan Heath 3rd Vice President Alton
Chief Mark Chase Sargeant at Arms Center Harbor
Chief Edward Garone Secretary Derry
Chief Tara Laurent Treasurer Greenland
Chief Theodore Smith Lincoln
Sheriff David Dubois Dover
Chief David Goldstein Franklin
Colonel Robert Quinn State Police Concord
Chief Richard Lapoint Pittsburg
Chief Robert Dupuis Webster
Sheriff Douglas Dutile Dover
Chief Walter Madore Grantham
Chief Kenneth Fifield Wakefield
Chief David Salois Raymond
Chief Paul Dean Univ of NH Police

SB 336 now moves to the House of Representatives.  As soon as a hearing is scheduled we will let you know what action to take.

Thanks for your support.

In Liberty,

Scott A. Krauss
President – NHFC

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