Important hearing on 4/16 and Rally Report…

by NHFC, Inc. on April 15, 2018

Yesterday, NHFC First Vice President Paul Marquis, Second Vice President Kirk Beswick and I attended the Second Amendment Rally that was organized and led by the National Constitutional Coalition of Patriotic Americans.  The rally was covered by WMUR and we heard that other news reports are forthcoming as well.

Five lucky rally attendees won 30 round capacity magazines.  We appreciate the effort of Tim S. and Jim F. from the National Constitutional Coalition of Patriotic Americans who took the lead and organized the New Hampshire rally.  We also appreciate all of the patriots who spent their Saturday afternoon at the Statehouse.  Special thanks to all who spoke, the list is long and includes leaders like State Reps. Jim Spillane and Dan Itse, longtime Patriot Leader Jack Kimball as well as several candidates and other leaders.  If you were not able to attend and would like to read my prepared remarks please click here.

You might recall that back in January we told you about HB 1313 which was introduced by Rep. John Burt (R-Hillsborough 13) to extend last years Constitutional Carry law to snowmobiles and ATVs.  HB 1313 has passed the House of Representatives and is scheduled for a public hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Monday, April 16 at 1PM. 

HB 1313 is a simple bill that merely repeals the requirement(s) that those who wish to carry a loaded pistol or revolver on a snowmobile or ATV first obtain a New Hampshire Pistol / Revolver license.  These statutes are inconsistent with Constitutional Carry and need to be repealed.  We expect that HB 1313 should pass into law without significant opposition.

Please try to attend this important hearing and voice your support for HB 1313.  Even if you plan to attend the hearing, it is important to call or email members of the Committee.

Chair – Senator Sharon Carson, Phone 603-271-1403
Vice Chair Senator Bette R. Lasky, Phone: 603-271-3093
Senator Harold French, Phone: 603-271-4063
Senator William Gannon, Phone: 603-271-7803 (Aide): 
Senator Martha Hennessey, Phone: 603-271-3067

Thanks for your continued support!

In liberty,

Alan M. Rice
President – NHFC, Inc.

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