Important bills being heard on Monday…

by NHFC, Inc. on March 13, 2016

Tomorrow, March 14, the New Hampshire Senate Judiciary Committee will hold hearings on 2 very important bills that have already passed the House of Representatives and 1 Senate Bill that has been introduced.  Please read this alert and take the action requested at the bottom.

1) HB 582, this is the House version of Constitutional Carry.  We are trying again to pass this very important legislation which will put a stop to abuse, disrespectful licensing authorities.  We have written a lot about Constitutional Carry.  This alert from last year clearly explains the issue.

2) HB 512 is an important bill that has already been approved by the House.  HB 512 amends existing law that prohibits the confiscation of firearms during declared states of emergency to include firearms accessories.  HB 512 also puts in place penalties for any public official who violates that law and it provides immunity to police officers who ignore orders to confiscate firearms.

3) SB 336, this bill seeks to make corrections to “suitable person”:  substituting the term “Proper person” does not solve any of the issues that we have previously explained where people who are lawfully allowed to purchase and own a firearm are being denied a pistol / revolver license.   What is a proper person?  Please let the Senate Judiciary committee know that a better option would be to adopt the language that was used in HB 1400.

Please contact the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee and urge them to vote HB 582 and HB 512 “ought to pass” and to amend SB 336 then also vote that bill “ought to pass”.

Senate Judiciary Committee:

Chair Senator Sharon Carson: (603) 434-2489, click here to email Senator Carson

Vice Chair Senator Bette Lasky: (603) 888-5557 or (603) 315-1924, click here to email Senator Lasky

Senator David Boutin: (603) 203-5391 click here to email Senator Boutin or here for another email.
Senator Sam Cataldo: (603) 859-1089 click here to email Senator Cataldo
Senator Donna Soucy: (603) 271-4151 click here to email Senator Soucy

– See more at:

Chair Senator Sharon Carson: (603) 434-2489, click here to email Senator Carson
Vice Chair Senator Sam Cataldo: (603) 859-1089 click here to email Senator Cataldo
Senator Gary Daniels: (603) 673-3065 click here to email Senator Daniels
Senator David Pierce: (603) 271-3067 click here to email Senator Pierce
Senator Bette Lasky: (603) 888-5557 or (603) 315-1924, click here to email Senator Lasky

In Liberty,

Alan M. Rice
Vice President & Training Director – NHFC

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