House leadership trying to stop progun reforms…

by NHFC, Inc. on February 3, 2018

We have previously told you about HB 1749, which will provide an enforcement mechanism for the existing state law that prohibits cities, towns and counties from regulating, taxing or prohibiting the sale, ownership and use of firearms.   The House Municipal and County Government Committee ignored your calls and emails and has recommended that HB 1749 be voted to interim study; which, in the second year of a legislative session usually means a certain death for a bill.

There has been a lot misinformation being spread about HB 1749:  Let me be clear, HB 1749 does not grant any power to the legislature that it does not now have.  It merely amends existing law (R.S.A. 159:26) that already prohibits cities, towns and counties from regulating firearms in any form by adding penalties to existing law.  When a similar law was enacted in Florida, amending a 23 year old preemption law, no local official actually paid a penalty.  The enactment of penalties encouraged compliance and that is the result we are expecting in New Hampshire.

On Wednesday, February 7, the entire House of Representatives will decide whether or not to accept the committee recommendation.  The House Calendar has a floor amendment, (2018-0408h) and some of the legislators that care about your rights will attempt to overturn the Committee’s anti-gun recommendation.  We have asked our Counsel to review the amendment and it is a GOOD amendment which will make HB 1749 a BETTER bill.  If you care to read this amendment, it is published in the February 2, 2018 House Calendar; click here to open the calendar and then go to page 72 to read the amendment for yourself.

We need your help to pass the amendment and then pass HB 1749 which will stop local gun bans.  Now is the time to start contacting all State Representatives and ask them to support the Floor Amendment to HB 1749, which is amendment number 2018-0408h.

Click here to find out who your State Representatives are and how to contact them.  Then please send this pre-written message to all State Representatives:

Dear Representatives,

On February 7, the House will consider HB1749 which is intended to stop local gun control which is in violation of current law (RSA 159:26).  Our Second Amendment supporting friends have drafted an amendment to HB 1749 which will, once and for all stop all local gun control. Numerous cities and towns, from Lebanon to Manchester are enacting gun bans that are prohibited by existing law. However, since R.S.A. 159:26 does not currently contain any penalties, these local officials are defying the will of the legislature. This was confirmed at a public hearing on January 10. The floor amendment, 2018-0408h, can be found on page 72 of the February 2, 2018 House Calendar.  This amendment will make HB 1749 a better bill and hopefully put an end to illegal gun bans. Please vote HB 1749 “ought to pass” with floor amendment 2018-0408h.

The New Hampshire Firearms Coalition works very hard to tell people about the positive actions that legislators take to protect the civil rights of the gun owners.  I look forward to hearing from them about your support of our civil rights.

Thanks for your anticipated support.

We consider this issue of vital importance to our Second Amendment civil liberties in New Hampshire; please, without delay email your state representatives and forward this alert to all of your gun owning friends and family members.

If any State Representatives respond, please send me a copy:

Thanks for your support!

In liberty,

Alan M. Rice
President – NHFC, Inc.

PS: You might recall that I wrote to you about a terrible anti-gun bill, SB 500 which was introduced by Senator Kevin Avard (R-12) and Senator Jeb Bradley (R-3).  Sadly, these 2 Senators ignored your calls and emails and have refused to withdraw SB 500.  Therefore, we must focus our calls and emails on the Senate Judiciary Committee.  Click here for contact information for all Judiciary Committee members.

SAMPLE EMAIL:  Please vote SB 500 Inexpedient to Legislate. This is an anti-gun bill that will greatly harm New Hampshire firearms owners by using the federal definition of a firearm as well as making tinkering changes to R.S.A. 207:7 regarding carrying arms in vehicles.  The New Hampshire Firearms Coalition told me that we can follow federal law without making it part of New Hampshire law and creating new regulations on frames, receivers and sound suppressors.  Please vote SB 500 ITL.

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