Help to pass Constitutional Carry Bill…

by NHFC, Inc. on January 24, 2015

After many months of hard work we are much closer than we have been in a long time to passing a true “Constitutional Carry” bill.

SB 116, sponsored by Senator Jeb Bradley will be heard in the New Hampshire Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday, January 29 at 1PM.  The hearing will take place in Representatives Hall.

SB 116 repeals R.S.A. 159:4, which is the law that requires a person to have a license to carry a concealed and loaded pistol or revolver.  However, SB 116 modifies and leaves in place R.S.A. 159:6 which allows people to obtain a license.  This is important for those firearms owners who travel because the New Hampshire Pistol / Revolver license is currently valid in 22 states.

We need SB 116 for several reasons, first and most importantly, the right to own, carry and use firearms is a constitutionally protected civil right.  The founders did not contemplate citizens groveling to public officials to exercise that right.  And second, last summer the state police, without any public notice, hearing or attention, modified the application form for a concealed carry license.  As long as a license is required your civil right to be armed will be at the mercy of bureaucrats.   SB 116 will put a stop to this type of behavior because the license will no longer be required!

Action Items:
1) Please plan to attend this important public hearing to show your support for “Constitutional Carry”.  Even if you do not wish to speak at the hearing, please attend and sign the blue form as being in favor of SB 116.
2) Please call AND email the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee and urge them in the strongest possible language recommend SB 116 “ought to pass” without no amendments or changes.

Senate Judiciary Committee:

Chair Senator Sharon Carson: (603) 434-2489, click here to email Senator Carson

Vice Chair Senator Sam Cataldo: (603) 859-1089 click here to email Senator Cataldo
Senator Gary Daniels: (603) 673-3065 click here to email Senator Daniels
Senator David Pierce: (603) 271-3067 click here to email Senator Pierce
Senator Bette Lasky: (603) 888-5557 or (603) 315-1924, click here to email Senator Lasky

Thanks for your support.

In Liberty,

Jonathan R. Evans, Esq.
President – NHFC

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