Help stop the Toomey-Schumer anti gun sellout NOW!

by NHFC, Inc. on April 15, 2013

NHFC, Inc has been asking a lot of gun owners these past few months; but to be completely honest, we are in the fight of our lives right now.   We must stop any new Federal gun control from becoming law. To do that I need to mobilize an army of pro gun New Hampshire activists to convince Senators Ayotte and Shaheen to vote for freedom and ignore the anti gun cries coming from CNN, MSNBC and New York City.

Last week Senator Kelly Ayotte broke her promises to support gun owners and the Second Amendment when she voted for “cloture” or against the filibuster by Senator Paul of gun control.  Now, my sources on Capitol Hill have told me that the Toomey-Schumer-Manchin sellout on gun control could be voted on as early as Tuesday, April 16.

You may have heard it called things like: “SECOND AMENDMENT RIGHTS PROTECTION ACT” and that it includes sections that are called “SEC. 115. ADDITIONAL PROTECTIONS FOR OUR VETERANS.” and things like: Prohibition of National Gun Registry.  Even though there are some apparent pro gun terms sprinkled throughout the bill and repeated by the mainstream media, make no mistake, the Toomey-Schumer-Manchin sellout is bad for gun owners.

First, Sen. Chuck Schumer, from Brooklyn, New York, has been trying to disarm law abiding Americans for 30 years.  Any bill that has his name on it should automatically be viewed with suspicion.

If you have ever seen a psychiatrist, or plan to see a psychiatrist, under provisions of this bill you will lose your guns!   You see the Toomey sellout bill provides an EXEMPTION for the Attorney General and NICS to the medical privacy law known as HIPPA.   What this means is that if the psychiatrist thinks you are dangerous to yourself or others, even if you have NEVER committed a crime and have not acted in a threatening manner, the Dr. can directly submit your name to the NICS system and then you are a prohibited person.

The sellout also prohibits the private sale of a firearm.  “6)  SECTION 122, REVISED 18 U.S.C. 922(t)(1):  “…it shall be unlawful for a [non-licensee] to complete the transfer of a firearm to any other person … if the transfer occurs … pursuant to … [a] posting … on the Internet…”

COMMENT:  No one should assume this requirement applies only to Amazon-type sales on Armslist.  If you ever talked about the gun on the Internet, you have arguably lost your right to make a private firearm transfer.  You have certainly done so if you put an ad in the church bulletin and it were distributed to shut-in parishioners over the Internet.  The bottom line:  Unless the buyer approaches the seller face to face and conducts the sale in cash on the spot, you can assume it’s covered.”

But it gets even worse: ” (7) SECTION 122(a):  “(4)(A)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, … the Attorney General may implement this subsection with regulations.”

The “chapter” referred to is Chapter 44.  This means that any limitations on federal action built into federal gun law by McClure-Volkmer or any other pro-gun legislation automatically disappear as impediments to Eric Holder in implementing the massively expanded background checks. Incidentally, the provisions in “this chapter” he can ignore could include the prohibitions on demanding information from dealers and creating a national gun registry.”

For additional information on the Toomey-Schumer-Manchin sellout click here to read an excellent detailed analysis from Gun Owners of America.

Sometimes people need help but when word gets out about the Toomey-Schumer-Manchin sellout many people will avoid getting that help for fear of losing their legally owned firearms.

Remember, the anti gun Democrats can only pass gun control if the Republicans give in.  It is our job to make sure that that does not happen.

You need to contact the 2 U. S. Senators from New Hampshire and demand that they vote against the Toomey-Schumer-Manchin sellout.

Remind Senator Ayotte about the promises she made to gun owners as a candidate in 2010 and tell her that you expect her to keep those promises.  Click here to read the promises.

1.       Senator Kelly Ayotte
Washington, DC – 202-224-3324
Manchester, NH – 603-622-7979
Nashua, NH     – 603-880-3335
Portsmouth, NH – 603-436-7161
North Country Office – 603-752-7702

Click here to email Senator Ayotte


Dear Senator Ayotte:

Shortly you will be asked to vote for cloture on a gun legislation substitute sponsored by Senator Toomey (R-PA).  PLEASE VOTE NO! You were not elected and sent to Washington to debate our rights; you were sent there to protect our rights. The best way to protect Second Amendment rights is to prevent anti gun bills from being considered.

The proposed legislation empowers psychiatrists to disarm otherwise law abiding people by placing their names in the NICS database as “prohibited persons”.  This is not only an affront to liberty, but it will also discourage those who really need help from getting it for fear of being left defenseless against violent criminals.  The proposal also waives longstanding health privacy information under HIPPA.

The New Hampshire Firearms Coalition told me that you voted for cloture on S. 649 on April 11; voting NO for cloture on the Toomey anti gun sellout will allow you to regain some respect among law abiding firearms owners. I will be monitoring your voting record and informing my friends, family and the New Hampshire Firearms Coalition of your actions.

Sincerely, [your name here]

Contact Senator Shaheen and remind her that there are many hundreds of thousands of law abiding firearms owners in New Hampshire who will be voting in 2014.

2.       Senator Jeanne Shaheen at

Washington, DC – 202-224-2841
Manchester, NH – (603) 647-7500
Claremont, NH – (603) 542-4872
Nashua, NH – (603) 883-0196
Dover, NH – (603) 750-3004
Berlin, NH – (603) 752-6300
Keene, NH – (603) 358-6604

Click here to email Senator Shaheen.


Dear Senator Shaheen:

Shortly you will be asked to vote for cloture on a gun legislation substitute sponsored by Senator Manchin (D-WV).  PLEASE VOTE NO! The proposed legislation empowers psychiatrists to disarm otherwise law abiding people by placing their names in the NICS database as “prohibited persons”.

This is not only an affront to liberty, but it will also discourage those who really need help from getting it for fear of being left defenseless against violent criminals.

The proposal also waives longstanding health privacy information under HIPPA.  The Manchin bill also allows the Attorney General to promulgate endless regulations that will further erode our second amendment rights.  PLEASE VOTE NO on the Manchin anti gun legislation. I will monitor your vote and inform my friends, family and the New Hampshire Firearms Coalition of your actions.

Sincerely, [your name here]

Thanks for your support.

In Liberty,

Jonathan R Evans

Jonathan R. Evans, Esq.
President – NHFC

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