Help stop local gun bans…

by NHFC, Inc. on January 5, 2018

Lebanon, Milford, Manchester, Hillsborough County…. gun bans are coming to a city, town or county near where you live or work.

Despite the clear language in R.S.A. 159:26 that says:
” …the state of New Hampshire shall have authority and jurisdiction over the sale, purchase, ownership, use, possession, transportation, licensing, permitting, taxation, or other matter pertaining to firearms, firearms components, ammunition, firearms supplies, or knives in the state. Except as otherwise specifically provided by statute, no ordinance or regulation of a political subdivision may regulate the sale, purchase, ownership, use, possession, transportation, licensing, permitting, taxation, or other matter pertaining to firearms, firearms components, ammunition, or firearms supplies in the state.”

The above listed local jurisdictions are in fact regulating the use of firearms in violation of existing state law.  To correct this injustice, NHFC Corporate Secretary and State Representative JR Hoell (R-Merrimack 23) has introduced HB 1749 which has 9 co-sponsors.

HB 1749 is scheduled for a public hearing on January 10, at 10 AM in the House Municipal and County Government Committee. Please make every effort to attend this hearing to show your support for this important legislation.

As you are no doubt aware, New Hampshire is made up of dozens of small towns and a few cities all within 10 counties.  Even though our state is made up of small towns, we are NOT a “home rule state”.  Cities and towns are limited as to what types of ordinances they can enact.

The reason firearms preemption was originally passed in 2003 was to protect traveling firearms owners from unknowingly breaking the law by crossing a town or city boundary line.   Sadly, because R.S.A. 159:26 does not penalize those who violate it, rogue, anti-gun city and town officials have no reason to follow the law.  HB 1749 changes the paradigm by adding much needed penalties.  As a point of reference, Florida had a preemption law on its books from 1987 through 2011 that was largely ignored.  That all changed in 2011 when the legislature added penalties.  The local gun bans disappeared almost overnight!  We need to see the same success here in New Hampshire.

Please plan to attend the scheduled public hearing on January 10.  Please also click here for a list of the members of the House Municipal and County Government Committee.

I expect the taxpayer funded lobbyists from the anti-gun New Hampshire Municipal Association to oppose HB 1749.  However, I am confident, that you the grassroots gun owner, can out speak, out organize and persuade the House Municipal and County Government Committee to vote this important legislation “ought to pass”.  These municipal bureaucrats need to constantly be reminded who they work for.  For example, the town owned property that they wish to ban guns from is actually owned by you, the local taxpayer.  We need to make sure the committee is aware of this.

If you click on each members name you will see individual contact information.  Or just click here to email all members of the Committee.  Please be polite but firm when you inform the committee members of the importance of voting HB 1749 “ought to pass” without any amendments or changes.

This issue is of vital importance and I am urging you to please share this with all of your friends and family members.  We need a strong turnout on Wednesday, January 10, 2018.

Thanks for your support!

In liberty,

Alan M. Rice
President – NHFC, Inc.

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