Help still needed: HB 282 ….

by NHFC, Inc. on January 10, 2019

Yesterday I testified in favor of HB 282 which is intended to stop the lawless actions of the Conservation Officers of New Hampshire Fish and Game.

I explained to the committee that even though the department receives significant funding from federal excise taxes paid on firearms and ammunition; those who carry concealed purchase far more ammunition for training than hunters who fire a few shots a year. Contrary to what you may have heard, Fish and Game is not funded by hunting and fishing license fees alone. Yet, it is everyone who is impacted by Fish and Game’s lawless actions that HB 282 will stop.

It is outrageous that Conservation Officers can search and arrest using the low level of proof known as reasonable suspicion but Major Crime Unit State Troopers who investigate heinous crimes against humans must meet the higher burden of proof known as probable cause.

We have two webpages which detail the problems and abuses at New Hampshire Fish and Game. Click here and here for a brief overview of the abuses and lawless actions by this rogue agency.

It came as no surprise to me that Chief of Law Enforcement Col. Kevin Jordan and Legal Counsel Paul Sanderson came out in force to oppose HB 282. They want to keep the status quo. They want to leave the door open for Conservation Officers to violate peoples Constitutional rights with the approval of the General Court. HB 282 will change this and no bureaucrat ever wants to lose power.

Sadly, some people who hunt and fish are more interested in covering for Fish and Game then supporting our Constitution. One person is worried that someone fishing with spin tackle in a fly fishing only pond could not have his tackle inspected if HB 282 is enacted. He should be more concerned with the loss of Constitutional rights that HB 282 will reverse. Right now, today, Conservation Officers can act on “reasonable suspicion” instead of the higher burden of proof known as “probable cause” that every other police officer in New Hampshire must meet.

We need to keep the heat on the Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee. Click here to email all members of the Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee and politely ask them to vote HB 282 “ought to pass”.

Pre written message to:

Dear Representatives,

The New Hampshire Fish and Game Department has turned into a rogue anti-Constitution, anti-freedom, state agency within state government.  HB 282 will go a long way towards reforming this agency by no longer allowing warrantless searches and seizures for violation and misdemeanor offenses.  Offenses that either carry no jail time or no more than one year in jail.  To the contrary, state police major crime unit troopers, investigating homicides and sexual assaults are required to obtain a warrant issued by a judge.

Please vote HB 282 “ought to pass”.

It would also help to contact the prime sponsor Representative James Spillane and thank him for taking the initiative to bring Constitutional Government back to New Hampshire.

Please don’t wait, the committee could vote on HB 282 at any time!

As always, thanks for your continued support!

In liberty,

J.R. Hoell
Corporate Secretary – NHFC, Inc.

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