In case you did not open the other email, I sent out another alert just an hour ago on a different bill. Please read both alerts. Below is an alert that several of our members helped put together on a bill before Fish and Game. If you would like to help NHFC out on alerts, please use our contact tab on the website. Note: This hearing is tomorrow. ALERT FOR HB 1530-FN requiring Fish and Game Officers to wear body camerasHOLD THE DATE….. Tuesday January 30, 2024 at 2:00 pm For once, something good comes out of Concord! On Tuesday January 30, 2024 at 2:00 pm in the LOB (Legislative Office Building; behind the State House) Room 307 the New Hampshire Fish and Game and Marine Resources Committee will hear HB1530-FN This bill requires New Hampshire Fish and Game Officers to wear body cameras just like dozens of other law enforcement agencies in New Hampshire and across the country. Sadly, one of NH F & G’s best-kept secrets is that NH F & G conservation officers (NH F&G CO) have MORE legal power and authority than New Hampshire State Troopers, However, without body cameras, NH F&G CO have far less practical accountability to New Hampshire sportsmen and sportswomen and citizens. Politics, and personal biases (likes or dislikes) should not play a part in how sportsmen and women – or Hunter Education Instructors and Hunter Education students – are treated by certain individuals at New Hampshire Fish & Game. Many sportsmen have been coerced or tricked into giving up their cell phone until “tomorrow” only to learn that tomorrow never comes. Those, who have been hauled into court by the mere word of NH F&G CO – with the evidence against them the words of a NH F&G CO –lose their right to hunt and fish (and sometimes having their firearms and other equipment seized) based on who the judge believes. Properly-worn and -used body cameras make the truth visible and audible for all to see and hear. There are enough records of abuse by some at NH F&G. In addition, common sense dictates that body cameras should be mandated. An example: New Hampshire Fish and Game Department Hunter Education Program v. Penny Dean-DEAN TERMINATION HEARING Docket# NHFG VHEd 2023-01. NH F & G terminated the hunter education instructor certification of a veteran (17-year) hunter education instructor. An NH F&G CO took offense at being asked a question to clarify about what he had said about the 300’ rule. Dean was puzzled by the conservation officer’s claim of the NH F&G Department’s new and novel interpretation of the law. Asking two questions was one too many!! NH F&G summarily revoked Dean’s Hunter Education Certification via letter, basing its action on “email correspondence between the Fish and Game Hunter Education Coordinator, an individual at the class”. The PROBLEM? There was not, nor had there ever been an e-mail to F&G from anyone at the class! When questioned under oath, the NH F&G CO “remembered” little about the class, or its makeup. The officer claimed that his approximately 20 (twenty) hours of New Hampshire State Police Academy legal education meant that, “I have this certification that makes me as equal or better than [a lawyer]”Link to NHFG pre-trial hearing on 4-11-22Penny Dean NHFG Trial 5 24 23 Part 1 – Penny Dean NHFG Trial 5 24 23 Part 2 – Penny Dean NHFG Trial 5 24 23 Part 3 – Many studies show that when police officers wear body cameras, there is a significant drop in the use of force. Use of force is the equivalent with F&G of trickery and bullying. It is reasonable to expect that the trickery that some conservation officers use on hunters and fishermen will cease or be reduced, if they know that their words and deeds will be recorded and could be shown to judges and better yet, the public! The study done for law enforcement, found a 5-to-1 benefit for every dollar spent on cameras. “Our ‘best guess’ estimate here is that about $528,000 of the $1.944 million total benefit from adopting BWCs per 100,000 population accrues to government agency budgets. Recognizing the intrinsic uncertainty of these estimates, if they are correct, they would imply that BWCs might even pay for themselves from the perspective of public-sector budgets.” “If our analysis is correct this implies that from society’s perspective this is the equivalent of the ability to turn a $1 bill into a $5 bill.” The ratio may not be the same for Conservation Officers, or arguably the basic value of freedom may make the ratio even higher. The right of sportsmen and women to obtain due process is priceless. HB 1530-FN is scheduled for a hearing in the House Fish and Game and Marine Resources Committee this Tuesday January 30, at 2 PM in the Legislative Office Building Room 307. I ask you to contact your State Representative to SUPPORT this bill, HB 1530-FN, before the House Fish and Game and Marine Resources Committee and to SUPPORT it when it reaches the House floor. In addition, encourage your State Representative to consistently support our due process civil rights 2nd Amendment rights in all cases. New Hampshire sportsmen and sportswomen and citizens should have the “best evidence” when accused. The best evidence is a recording of the interaction of the parties. Please contact your State Representative today! Here is a sample email that you can send to them in support of this bill. You can copy and paste this into an email to the Representatives, or go to the hearing link and sign in. For the letter below, feel free to modify as needed. Sign in page to send the committee a letter about the bill: Select the date and the committee and the bill number: January 29, 2024 Fish and Game Committee HB1530 Dear Representative, The New Hampshire Firearms Coalition tracks legislation that is of interest to firearms owners in the state. They have alerted me about HB 1530-FN, a bill requiring fish and game officers to wear body cameras. One of NH F & G’s best-kept secrets is that NH F & G conservation officers have MORE legal power and authority than New Hampshire State Troopers, but without body cameras, far less, if no practical accountability to New Hampshire sportsmen and sportswomen and citizens. Our statues even list the duties of the officers at HB 1530-FN is scheduled for a hearing this Tuesday (tomorrow) before your committee at 2:00 PM. I urge you to support the law-abiding citizens of New Hampshire and so to support enactment of HB 1530-FN. Lastly, there is the list of bills for Friday below this email. |
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For Liberty,![]() JR Hoell, Secretary New Hampshire Firearms Coalition |