Help enact Constitutional Carry on ATVs and snowmobiles NOW!

by NHFC, Inc. on May 1, 2018

In my last email, I explained how a bipartisan group of anti-gun State Senators are working to stop HB 1313, Constitutional Carry for snowmobiles and ATVs.  The good news is that several pro-gun State Representatives, led by Rep. John Burt, did not give up and attempted to amend the language from HB 1313 onto SB 451 when it was voted on in the House of Representatives.  Sadly, that effort failed by one vote.

Almost every Democrat and several anti-gun Republicans voted against the amendment so it can be argued that any one of them could have changed the outcome.  It also clearly proves what I have been telling you, that Republican Party staff member Joe Sweeney is a liar.  Republicans do NOT universally support your right to keep and bear arms and the party leadership and staff refuse to enforce the provisions of the platform that supports Second Amendment civil rights.

Not to be outdone, anti-gun Senator Sharon Carson authored the message in the Senate Calendar that recommends killing the bill, which said:
” The Committee believed that the language needs further clarity and examination before it can move forward”  

It is not clear to me, how a bill that simply repeals two anti-gun, anti-freedom statues needs further clarity…  I am sure that you share my anger at the Senators who are trying to kill pro-gun reform legislation and the party staff members, like Joe Sweeney who are lying about the Republican’s position on the Second Amendment and attempting to raise campaign cash from gun owners.  However, certain individual Republicans have held steadfast in their support for your rights despite the treason of Senator Sharon Carson and Senator “I sponsored the bill before I voted to kill it” Harold French.

Since then, my statehouse sources told me that several pro-gun State Representatives are going to make a second attempt to amend the Constitutional Carry language from HB 1313 onto another bill.  This floor action could happen as early as this week and here is what I need you to do to help.

Click here for contact information for all State Representatives.  Call or email your Representatives and politely request that they support extending Constitutional Carry to Snowmobiles and ATVs; especially since the House adopted this language on March 22.  Make it clear to your Representatives that is Constitutional Carry on Snowmobiles and ATVs was acceptable to them on March 22 then they should once again vote for it this week.


Dear Representative,

The New Hampshire Firearms Coalition told me that once again this week an amendment will be offered to extend Constitutional Carry to snowmobiles and ATVs.  The House voted for this language in the form of HB 1313 on March 22 but the Senate is trying to kill that bill.  It is important to bring consistency to New Hampshire’s firearms laws and I urge you to vote in support of adding this language to any bill that an amendment is offered for.

Thank you.

If any State Representatives write back to you, please send me a copy:

Thanks for your continued support!

In liberty,

Alan M. Rice
President – NHFC, Inc.

P.S.: Our national partners at Gun Owners of America sent out an alert on gun confiscation orders in New Hampshire.  Click here to read this important alert and take action!

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