Hearings on Constitutional Carry and Preemption this Thursday.

by President on January 24, 2012

I told you yesterday I would give you more information today about the upcoming hearing on Constitutional Carry (HB 536) and Preemption (HB 334).

Two weeks ago, the House passed both these bills.

The hearings in the Senate, scheduled for this Thursday at 1:00 and 2:00, haven’t even been held yet, and already I am hearing reports that the Senate is working hard to kill one and gut the other.

Sources in Concord are telling me that many Senators are only willing to vote in favor of one pro-gun bill this year, and that they want that bill gutted before they will do even that.

Last year, when we were working on Constitutional Carry attempts were made to add more stringent background checks, impose redundant state versions of federal standards for carrying, and gut the Second Amendment rights of young people.

My sources are telling me all that and more is on the table to bring back to gut HB 536.

As introduced, HB 536 would have cut red tape for the existing licensing system for those who still wish to get one for reciprocity.

Unfortunately, the House stripped out those provision.

If the Senate takes anything else out, there will be nothing worth passing left.

This is not acceptable.

The good news is that three of the five Judiciary Committee members signed the 2010 New Hampshire Firearms Coalition’s survey pledging their support to Constitutional Carry.

Unfortunately, I am already getting reports that several of those Senators are starting to cave under the pressure from leadership to gut this bill.

They need to be reminded of their promise to their Constituents.

Call or email Senators Fenton Groen (603) 271-2609/ fenton.groen@leg.state.nh.us, Jim Luther (603) 271-4151 jim.luther@leg.state.nh.us, and James Forsythe (603) 271-3067 james.forsythe@leg.state.nh.us and remind them of their commitment to support Constitutional Carry, and tell them you want HB 536 passed without any amendments that would weaken the bill.

On top of that, Senator Sharon Carson stands out as the only Republican on the committee who did not answer the NHFC Survey.

What’s more — she signed on to an earlier version of the bill that would have eliminated the issuance of out-of-state licenses all together!

Call Senator Sharon Carson at (603) 271-1403 or email her at sharon.carson@leg.state.nh.us. Tell her to support Constitutional Carry — HB-536 — with absolutely NO amendments that would weaken the bill.

Tell her law abiding citizens should not need government “permission” to exercise their rights.

This is a big week for Gun Rights in New Hampshire. Neighboring Vermont has always had the Constitutional Carry standard, and now the Granite State is this close to having it as well.

This is so important, Dudley Brown, Executive Director of the National Association for Gun Rights, will be personally attending, at the request of NHFC, to help support passage of this important piece of Legislation.

Thursday’s hearings begins at 2:00.

Won’t you join Dudley and I as we stand against the anti-gunners who would gut and kill this bill?

Mark your calendar and join me in the fight against the anti-gunner politicians at the Capitol on Thursday!

I wish I could tell you it is just HB 536 that is in danger.

Unfortunately, my sources are telling me that HB 334 may be in even more danger of being killed.

Right now, Senators are getting a lot of pressure from the un-elected bureaucrats in the University System of NH to either kill this bill or grant the university an exception, and it looks like Senate leadership is willing to go along with them.

After the recent court ruling sanctioning the University’s illegal gun ban, it is more critical than ever that we pass this bill.

Faculty, Parents, students, even visitors watching a UNH Hockey game are stripped of their right to defend themselves when they come onto the campus of a state run university.

That is unjust, and unconstitutional.

NH citizens should should not be stripped of their right to defend themselves on a facility funded by your tax dollars.

Thankfully, Senators Groen, Luther, and Forsythe also pledged their support for strengthening preemption, so that only the legislature, after the full legislative process, with input from you, would have the authority to regulate firearms.

However, sources are telling me that a call from you would really help them do the right thing, and vote for HB 334.

When you call or email Senators Fenton Groen (603) 271-2609 / fenton.groen@leg.state.nh.us, Jim Luther (603) 271-4151 / jim.luther@leg.state.nh.us, and James Forsythe (603) 271-3067 / james.forsythe@leg.state.nh.us about HB 536, please thank them for their pledge to support stronger preemption and ask them to keep their commitment by supporting HB 334 as passed by the House.

Unfortunately the last Republican Senator on the Committee has not pledged that same support.  It is crucial that you and I contact her, letting her know we will not tolerate un-elected bureaucrats stripping away our rights to defend ourselves.

And when you call Senator Carson (603) 271-1403 or email her at sharon.carson@leg.state.nh.us, tell her you want her unconditional support of  HB 334 as passed by the House.

We can still make a difference and get these important pieces of legislation passed, but I can’t do it alone.

Your help will be crucial in getting these bills through the Senate.

Call the Senators today, and if you can, join me Thursday, at 1:00 (HB 334) and 2:00 (HB 536)

In Liberty,

Jonathan R. Evans, Esq.
President – NHFC

P.S. Your help is needed to pass Constitutional Carry and Preemption.  Please call or email Senators Fenton Groen (603) 271-2609 / fenton.groen@leg.state.nh.us, Jim Luther (603) 271-4151 / jim.luther@leg.state.nh.us, and James Forsythe (603) 271-3067 /  james.forsythe@leg.state.nh.us and remind them of their commitment to support Constitutional Carry and Preemption, and tell them you want HB 536 and HB 334 passed without any amendments that would weaken these bills.

Call Senator Carson (603) 271-1403 or email her at sharon.carson@leg.state.nh.us, tell her that she needs to stand up for firearms owners, and that you want her unconditional support of HB 536 and  HB 334 as passed by the House.

P.P.S. The New Hampshire Firearms Coalition is working tirelessly to keep gun owners like you up-to-date on as many gun issues as possible — please consider contributing to the effort by chipping in $15 or $20.

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