HB1660, Red Flag, Gun Confiscation bill, Hearing 1/21, 1pm Contact the committee

by Secretary, NHFC on January 19, 2020

There are a large number of anti-gun bill hearings this week and we need your help to stop these bills! I have highlighted just the most atrocious bills that have hearings this week.  There are also bills intended to prohibit groups like ours from alerting you about what is going on.  There are bills that will require that we give away our list of members and how much they have paid in memberships.

Bottom line, we have our hands full this week.  Below is the list of bills that directly impacts you as a gun owner.

We have already alerted on SB469  “The 2020 Sen. Jeanne Dietsch Range Closure Act.” and are working on alerts for the other bills listed below:

This email contains information on HB1660 “Elder Care Gun Confiscation.”.  I hope to have the alert out for HB1379 “The Gun Registry Creation Act.” by tomorrow.

Critical hearings this week:

1/21: HB1660, 1pm, “Elder Care Gun Confiscation.”
1/22: SB636,9am, “Prohibit private carry at State Offices”
         HB1101, 1pm, “Buy a Gun, Go Home Without it.”
         HB1379, 2:30pm, “The Gun Registry Creation Act.”
1/23: SB469, 10am, “The 2020 Sen. Jeanne Dietsch Range Closure Act.”


On January 21 at 1 pm at the New Hampshire State House, there will be a hearing on HB 1660, Protective Orders for Vulnerable Adults, “Elder Care, Gun Confiscation”. The Bill would establish a mechanism to enable vulnerable adults or others to seek permanent or ‘temporary’ relief from abuse, exploitation, and neglect by another person.

But there are some serious issues hidden in the bill. The definition of “Neglect” is very broad and could include withholding something as simple as watching TV [“Neglect” means an act or omission which results or could result in the deprivation of essential services or supports necessary to maintain the minimum mental, emotional, or physical health and safety of a vulnerable adult.] This statement could be used by a prosecutor to include almost anything.

The definition of abuse suggested is vague, and includes misuse of power, authority, or both, verbal harassment, or unreasonable confinement which results or could result in the mental anguish or emotional distress of a vulnerable adult.

On the surface this bill sounds like a good thing, but as is typical these days there is an anti-gun aspect of it buried in the text. At the request of the vulnerable adult or their representative, the court may enter orders to protect the adult with or without actual notice to the other person. This order could be issued ex-parte with no due process or warning. And the court order could be issued for almost any reason, real or fabricated, under the vague definition of abuse.  The court could be anywhere in the state, meaning that you could be facing a court hearing in Coos for something that allegedly happened in Salem, NH

Once the court order is issued, a police officer can [will] use all means they deem necessary to prevent further abuse. One of those means which is explicitly called out in the proposed bill is confiscating any deadly weapons involved in the alleged abuse. That means your firearms!

We have been told that the bill is to address financial exploitation, yet again, this bill is going after firearms and not after those who would steal from venerable adults.  Even if theft was the issue, current law in RSA 631:9 631:9 Financial Exploitation of an Elderly, Disabled, or Impaired Adult. –  already covers this issue.

Next, these orders would be transferred to the NICS system, further preventing you from ever purchasing another firearm.

So buried in this seemingly legitimate and good bill is another RED FLAG GUN CONFISCATION LAW! Ex-parte confiscation of ANY personal property, including firearms, is unconstitutional and a violation of your 2nd, 4th, 5th, and 14th Amendments to the United States constitution, as well as the New Hampshire Constitution.

NOW is the time to act! Show up at the State House and speak at the hearing, e-mail or call your representatives, notify your friends… We must stop these assaults on our rights!

Please take time to write to the committee and let them know how you feel about this bill:

Dear Member of HHS,

The New Hampshire Firearms Coalition has made me aware of a extremely unconstitutional bill that you are hearing this week. While HB1660 might be well intention-ed, the bill as drafted would strip citizens of their natural and Constitution rights. The bill would allow for ex-parte hearings to be used to strip citizens of personal property.

Current law, RSA 631:8,9 already deals with this subject matter: [http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/LXII/631/631-mrg.htm].

Instead of trying to create new laws, just enforce the laws that are already on the books.



Please take time to write to the committee and let them know how you feel about this bill.  Also there are two other major anti-bills that need to be defeated this week. We are trying to get alerts out on HB1101 and HB1379.

The list above does not yet include a number of other bills that are a real potential threat to our rights:

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