Guns, snowmobiles and ATVs – ACTION NEEDED!

by NHFC, Inc. on April 16, 2018

Today I testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee in favor of HB 1313 which was introduced by Rep. John Burt (R-Hillsborough 13) to extend last years Constitutional Carry law to snowmobiles and ATVs.

HB 1313 is a simple bill that merely repeals the requirement(s) that those who wish to carry a loaded pistol or revolver on a snowmobile or ATV first obtain a New Hampshire Pistol / Revolver license.  These statutes are inconsistent with Constitutional Carry and need to be repealed.  We expect that HB 1313 should pass into law without significant opposition.  Click here or scroll down to see how to help enact HB 1313 into law.

I would also like to thank Sen. Avard for co-sponsoring HB 1313 and introducing it to the Senate Judiciary committee on behalf of Rep. Burt.   When Senators stand up to protect our rights, we love giving them credit for their work, it is only when they waiver that there are then serious concerns.   Some feel we were too harsh on Sen. Avard when he introduced SB500, tying our firearms definitions to federal statutes.  HB 1313 presents an opportunity for the good Senators to prove that they are as good as they claim to be.

The good news, is the bill that they have both signed on too is a good bill.  It is a two line repeal of current prohibitions.  Given that this bill has been co-sponsored by Sen. Avard, Sen. Bradley, the Majority leader, and Sen. French who is a member of the Judiciary Committee, we will have a chance to see how pro-gun they really are.  We would expect that any good, Second Amendment supporting Senator would be very anxious to pass this repeal and would fight tooth and nail to make sure that this bill becomes law with no amendments or changes.

I was quite shocked to hear the anti-gun New Hampshire Fish and Game Attorney Paul Sanderson testifying AGAINST HB 1313.  You might remember that last year, State Attorney General Gordon MacDonald wrote a letter to the Executive Council wherein he made it perfectly clear that the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department may NOT testify on any legislation that does not directly affect Fish, Game, Wildlife or Marine Resources.  Yet, Mr. Sanderson decided to flagrantly ignore the Attorney General’s opinion and continue to pursue the Fish and Game Department’s anti-gun, anti-freedom agenda.  Historically, the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department has always been a hotbed of anti-gun activism, last year they opposed SB 12, Constitutional Carry.  Furthermore, the Department has consistently opposed the repeal of possessory only firearms offenses, such as repealing the ban on loaded rifles or shotguns in cars.

We have documented some of the worst civil liberties violations of the Fish and Game Department.  We also have a webpage explaining why, you as a state resident and gun owner should be concerned about the problems at Fish and Game.  I have been watching Northwoods Law New Hampshire and have personally observed the civil liberties violations by Sgt. Adam Cheney; to wit, after a hunter said he didn’t want to speak without his attorney, Sgt. Cheney kept questioning him until the hunter confessed and took Sgt. Cheney back to the kill site and incriminated himself.  New Hampshire Fish and Game Conservation Officers operate more like a third world dictatorship than a law enforcement organization in an American State.

Here is what I need you to do to help.  Please call or email ALL members of the Senate Judiciary Committee and deliver this pre-written message:

Dear Senators:

Please vote HB 1313, ought to pass without any amendments or changes.  Please disregard the lies that were told by Paul Sanderson of Fish and Game.  According to the Attorney General Fish and Game should not be offering opinions on non wildlife bills.  In addition, Mr. Sanderson is wrong to assert that carrying loaded guns is unsafe.

Thanks for your consideration.

Chair – Senator Sharon Carson, Phone 603-271-1403
Vice Chair Senator Bette R. Lasky, Phone: 603-271-3093
Senator Harold French, Phone: 603-271-4063
Senator William Gannon, Phone: 603-271-7803 (Aide): 
Senator Martha Hennessey, Phone: 603-271-3067

If any Senator responds to your message, please send me a copy at:

Thanks for your continued support!

In liberty,

Alan M. Rice
President – NHFC, Inc.

P.S.: Our national partners at Gun Owners of America sent out an alert today on gun confiscation orders in New Hampshire.  Click here to read this important alert and take action!

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