Gun Owners of America on anti-gun David Patch





May 10, 2017

The Honorable New Hampshire Executive Council
107 North Main Street
State House, Room 207
Concord, NH 03301

Dear Executive Councilor:

On behalf of the 1.5 million supporters of Gun Owners of America, I am writing to inform you that we are strongly opposed to Governor Sununu’s nominee for membership on the New Hampshire Fish and Game Commission, David Patch.

As you may know, pursuant to R.S.A. 206:4-a, the commission is “the citizen’s representative” and is also charged with: “Establishment of positions on proposed legislation that affects fish, wildlife, and marine resources and the overall management of the fish and game department.”

At the January 11, 2017 meeting of the Fish and Game Commission, a motion was made by Commissioner Walter Morse to oppose SB 12, Constitutional Carry. That motion was seconded by the Vice Chairman of the Commission, David Patch, and was unanimously adopted.

This bill was signed into law by Governor Sununu on February 22, 2017. SB 12, repealed the requirement to obtain a license to carry a concealed pistol or revolver and made changes to the standards for issuance of a license for those who wish to apply for one for purposes of reciprocal carry in the 25 states which currently honor a New Hampshire license. The changes made it clear that anyone who may lawfully own a firearm automatically qualifies for a license to carry a concealed pistol or revolver.

Additionally, at the same meeting, a motion was made by Commissioner Walter Morse to oppose HB 84 which, if enacted into law, will decriminalize the carrying of loaded rifles and shotguns in vehicles. Current law is so restrictive that it even prohibits target shooting from the bed of a pickup truck or even leaning a firearm against or on a vehicle. R.S.A. 207:7 is a possessory only gun offense and should properly be repealed while at the same time retaining the prohibition against hunting from within a vehicle.

The motion to oppose HB 84 was also unanimously adopted and the January 11 meeting minutes can be found at this link:

It is for these reasons that we believe that the New Hampshire Fish and Game Commission has become a gun ban advocacy organization rather than “the citizen’s representative.”   Gun Owners of America is not involved with wildlife management or conservation. However, when a state agency which is charged with that task strays from that mission and tramples Second Amendment civil rights, we are forced to become involved.

We would consider a vote to confirm David Patch as an anti-gun vote and a vote against confirming him to another 5-year term on the Fish and Game Commission a pro-gun vote.

Thanks for your kind consideration of our point of view. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me directly or our New Hampshire Spokesman, Alan Rice at 603-471-2721.

In Liberty,

Erich Pratt
Executive Director