Gun Day at the NH State House! 2/2/2024

by Secretary, NHFC on February 1, 2024

At the beginning of the week, I mentioned that there were several gun related bills that would be heard this week. The last five of those bills are having hearings today, Friday 2/2/2024.

This past Wednesday there was a hearing on HB 1037, a bill to remove the limited liability protections for the manufacturers, distributors, dealers and importers of firearms and ammunition. While the committee has not decided what to do with this bill, we are hearing from internal sources that the committee will recommend having this bill voted Inexpedient to Legislate (ITL). We will keep you updated on the progress of killing this bill. If we need your assistance to make sure that this bad bill dies, we will ask.

The first bill being heard today is HB 1050, a bill to create a “voluntary do-not-sell-to-me-any-firearms” list. While this bill sounds good, the gun-grabbers, in their reckless zeal, want to create a list where you can have yourself registered to not be allowed to buy a firearm from any licensed gun dealer.

This is basically a revised “red flag” law; an effort to get the “foot-in-the-door” to rob you of your right to keep and bear arms. We feel if this passed, the next step will be to have judges make this a requirement under some other court order like a divorce decree for example.

I’m sure you will agree with me that once such a list is in place, the gun grabbers will expand its application to allow anyone to place people they know on such a list. Indeed, this very thing is hinted at in the “Prohibited Conduct” section of the bill, where it speaks of prohibiting someone from using false information to get another person on the list.

Obviously, the intent is there to allow somebody to put another person on the “do-not-sell-to-me” list.
The bill is scheduled for a hearing in the House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee on today February 2 at 9:30 am in the Legislative Office Building room 202-04. Please use the contact link at the bottom of the email and let the CJ&PS committee know that you oppose this bill.

Next bill is HB1711 “The 2024 Meuse Violent Patient Release Act.” We all know that the gun grabbers take advantage of any tragic loss to push their agenda, including the loss of the former Franklin Chief of Police, and hence why the New Hampshire Firearms Coalition opposes this legislation. What the legislature should be doing instead is finding out why the former police chief was disarmed while manning the metal detector as a security guard!!!

HB 1711 allows firearms to be taken from anyone who is considered mentally incompetent to stand trial or who has been committed to a mental institution and is being released. *

Please use the link below, you will need to select the hearing date 2/2/2024 and the committee, Criminal Justice and Public Safety and the Bill HB1711 to let them know of your opposition.
Lastly, there are 3 good bills that need to be passed.

HB1186 will create a new chapter of law to protect those who purchase firearms with credit cards. There were news articles about the goal of the banking industry to require retailers to use certain codes for firearm transactions. This bill would prohibit this.

“159-E:2 Firearm Code Usage Prohibited.
A person or entity involved in facilitating or processing an electronic payment transaction and licensed to do business in this state, including a payment card issuer or payment card network, may not assign to a merchant or require a merchant to use a firearms code….”

HB1336 would make sure that automobiles are treated the same as one’s home relative to what employers can ask. They would need to get a search warrant if they wanted to know what was in your car when parked on their property.

HB1337 would make sure firearms that were taken are returned if there is no extension of the protective order or if the protective order was denied by the court. This is a commonsense change to our laws. People should not have their property stolen by the government on a false accusation.

Here is the sign in link. Please take the time TODAY to sign in for and against the bills listed in this picture. All these bills are in the CJ&PS committee and have a hearing today.

Thank you for your help preserving our fundamental rights.

*The Firearms Coalition knows that most of those that are seeking help for mental health issues are not violent, but this bill permanently disarms all of those individuals in an effort to take the firearms away from the few that might be dangerous and who will be released.
For Liberty,

JR Hoell, Secretary
New Hampshire Firearms Coalition

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