Gun ban group pushing hard to pass SB 244 ACTION NEEDED!

by NHFC, Inc. on January 19, 2014

We have been warning you about SB 244.  We have sent several alerts explaining how and why SB 244 will cause tens of thousands of Granite Staters to lose their Second Amendment rights.

Some anti-gun groups are masquerading as pro-gun groups, and saying that this bill puts in place a much-needed relief mechanism.  But the truth is that without this bill, there is simply no need for a relief mechanism.  New Hampshire does not currently strip citizens of their constitutional rights when they have done nothing wrong.  SB244 would change that.

You can read our previous alerts here:

First NHFC alert on SB 244

Second NHFC alert on SB 244
Third NHFC alert on SB 244

Gun Owners of America started warning us about SB 244 on December 12, 2013. You can read all their alerts here:

First GOA alert on SB 244
Second GOA alert on SB 244
Third GOA alert on SB 244

Testimony by Gun Owners of America Legislative Counsel and Dunbarton, NH resident, Michael Hammond.

The anti-gun forces of evil are working hard to pass SB 244.  We need to redouble our efforts to stop SB 244.  Please call and email members of the Senate Judiciary Committee and your own Senator.

Click here to find your Senator.

Chair Senator Sharon Carson: (603) 434-2489, click here to email Senator Carson Email Sen. Carson.

Vice Chair Senator Bette Lasky: (603) 888-5557 or (603) 315-1924, Email Sen Lasky

Senator David Boutin: (603) 203-5391 Email Sen. Boutin OR use this email to reach Sen. Boutin
Senator Sam Cataldo: (603) 859-1089 Email Sen. Cataldo.
Senator Donna Soucy: (603) 271-4151 Email Sen. Soucy.

You should also call Senator David Watters and tell him to stop trying to take away the Second Amendment rights of people who have not done anything wrong.

Senator David Watters: (603) 969-9224 or click here to email Senator Watters. Email Sen. Watters

Please also contact the co-sponsor Representative Jeffrey Goley (603)626-6659 Email Rep. Goley

Pre-written message:

Dear Senator:

SB 244 is a solution in search of a problem. It will cause tens of thousands of Granite Staters to lose their privacy rights and their Second Amendment rights.

Under this bill, if you ever have a guardian appointed pursuant to RSA 464-A, then you will lose your gun rights — permanently.  This will happen, even if the guardian is appointed in a “star chamber” ex parte proceeding without any due process because, for instance, you were to arrive at a hospital incoherent or unconscious.

Please vote SB 244 “inexpedient to legislate”.  NO amendment is acceptable.  Please see to it that SB 244 is voted ITL.

I will be watching all the votes on this bill and reporting your position to the New Hampshire Firearms Coalition.

Thanks for your consideration,

If any of these elected officials writes back to you please forward that email to NHFC.

Thanks for your support.

In Liberty,

Scott A. Krauss
Vice President – NHFC

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