General Election Candidate Report Card – Part 1

by NHFC, Inc. on October 16, 2018

As you know, many candidates for public office seek your support and claim to support Second Amendment Rights.  Each election cycle, NHFC publishes a report card that tells you where the candidates really stand on Second Amendment Civil Rights Issues.

As we did in 2016, we are releasing our grades in two stages, first we are releasing the Eastern half of the state, (CD 1).  We will release the grades for the Western half of the state (CD 2) very soon.

Please click here to see our 2018 Report Card and if you see a candidate has failed to respond to our written survey requesting their views on Second Amendment Civil Rights issues, please contact them and urge them to publicly state their views.

As you know, many candidates for public office claim to support Second Amendment Rights, however, their unwillingness to put their views in writing is often an indication that the campaign rhetoric is far from their real position.  If a candidate received grade of F (RS), they refused to go on the record to state their views on Second Amendment Civil Rights. Please click here to learn how to contact those refusers and urge them to respond to NHFC by completing and returning our candidate survey.

Thanks for your continued support!

In liberty,

Alan M. Rice
President – NHFC, Inc.

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