Follow up information on NHFC grades… more “pretenders”…

by NHFC, Inc. on September 9, 2018

Did you see J.R.’s email about the “great pretender”, F (RS) rated Steve Negron.  You can click here if you missed it.

It looks like we even have a few great pretenders running for Congress in District 1:

For example, F (RS) rated Eddie Edwards said: “I’m not supportive of arming teachers”

We protect our Governor, the President, Members of Congress, all with people who are carrying guns.  But Eddie Edwards is not supportive of arming teachers who will be the first responders to a murderer in a school; to protect our children who are without question valuable.  Wow — enough said!  I wonder what else Mr. Edwards is not supportive of?

Then, there’s Andy Martin who did return an NHFC Candidate Survey, and was rated D*S because he refuses to consider repealing gun taxes, repealing the Gun Control Act of 1968, the 1934 NFA and most telling, he refuses to consider repeal of the onerous tax and registration of sound suppressors but yet claims to support the Second Amendment.  Lets not forget the other pretender, D*S rated Jeff Denaro who is comfortable with gun free (criminal safe schools), gun taxes, the Gun Control Act of 1968, taxes and regulations on suppressors and worst of all, Mr. Denaro wants to ban so called bump stocks; which, as we explained earlier this year will result in a ban on match grade triggers and other popular firearms upgrades like stronger springs.  But they told WMUR they support the Second Amendment.  With “support” like this what’s the difference between Martin, Edwards, Denaro and gun banning Maura Sullivan?  We have had enough empty promises; and then to find out later that Representatives allowed themselves to be “led” by people like US House Speaker Paul Ryan and Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy to enact things like “see a shrink lose your guns” (Fix NICS) and stop critical legislation like Nationwide Concealed Carry and the Hearing Protection Act.

Even though there are a lot of “great pretenders” running for office this year, there is one candidate whose support for the Second Amendment is real.  A rated Senator Andy Sanborn has always been there for us and you should call him and thank him for his strong support for the Second Amendment.  He can be reached by phone at: 603-271-3042  or by email to:

As always, thanks for your continued support!

In liberty,

Alan M. Rice
President – NHFC, Inc.

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