Final Release of 2018 Grades…

by NHFC, Inc. on August 27, 2018

I am happy to report that we have finalized all of the 2018 Grades and you can read them by clicking here.  This updated list includes all contested primaries for US Congress, Governor, Executive Council, State Senate and State Representative whether they are Republican, Democrat or Libertarian.

In addition to releasing our final grades, I want you to know that we have restored the grade of A*S for Second Congressional District Candidate Bob Burns.  Mr. Burns has expounded his position and we are comfortable that he does not support gun confiscation. But rather, he used a poor choice of words to describe his position.  Mr. Burns lost a family member to violence, and he, probably more than others, understands that it is not the tool that is being abused but rather the criminal who abused the tool who needs to be controlled.  After several emails and phone conversations, I am comfortable restoring Mr. Burns’ grade of A*S.

As always, thanks for your continued support!

In liberty,

Alan M. Rice
President – NHFC, Inc.

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