Danger on the Southern border….

by NHFC, Inc. on July 23, 2017

If you carry a concealed handgun, danger lurks on our Southern border.  I am not talking about Mexico!

Recently, the Massachusetts State Police arrested a Freemont, New Hampshire man for the so called “crime” of carrying a concealed handgun without a license and bragged about it on their Facebook page.

Wow, carrying without a license!  Where’s the victim?

There are certain states that will never recognize an individual civil right to bear arms and will continue to arrest the otherwise law abiding.  Three of those states are in the Northeast, Massachusetts, New Jersey and New York.  Think about it, you cannot leave New Hampshire by car to travel to the rest of the country without going through these states, (unless you plan to travel internationally).  It is time for Congress to act to protect the civil rights of the law abiding.

In the 1950s and 1960s Congress took historic action to protect the rights of blacks and other minorities with the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.  What many people do not know is that prior to the passage of that law, most Southern States had “black codes” which outlawed interracial marriage and dating, blacks and whites were not allowed to sit together on public transportation and blacks were forced to use separate restrooms and other facilities.  The firearms and concealed carry laws in Massachusetts, New Jersey and New York treat law abiding persons just like the black codes of the 1950s and 1960s.  This discrimination must end, at once.

Help is coming, Rep. Richard Hudson, (R-NC) has introduced H.R.38 – Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017.  This bill, is Constitutional Carry friendly.  So for people who live in New Hampshire or one of the other Constitutional Carry states, they will be able to carry nationwide without a license.  And for those folks who live elsewhere, if they possess a concealed carry license it will be valid nationwide.  The Hudson bill also makes sure you are not subject to arrest for having the wrong ammunition or a standard capacity magazine.

H.R. 38 is supported by both Gun Owners of America and the National Rifle Association as well as numerous state and local firearms advocacy organizations.

Here is what you can do to help, The Virginia Citizens Defense League has started a petition on Whitehouse.gov.  Please click here to sign the petition.  We need 100,000 signatures before August 17.

Then, contact The Speaker of the House, Rep. Paul Ryan:

Call the Speaker’s DC office (best option):  202-225-0600

Click here to email the Speaker, select “A Better Way” for Area of Interest, for Subject use:

“Please get H.R. 38 to the Floor ASAP!”, and for Issue use: “Homeland Security”)

Talking points:

* National Reciprocity is an important bill to the 17 million concealed handgun permit holders in the U.S., as it is a life-saving measure that allows people to protect themselves as they travel around the country
* People should not be turned into felons for crossing a state line with a concealed pistol.
* Please get H.R. 38 to the Floor for a vote ASAP

In liberty,

Alan M. Rice
Vice President & Training Director – NHFC

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