Critical Red Flag hearing [HB687], 6/24/2020 at 9:10am… We need your help to stop it

by Secretary, NHFC on June 23, 2020

Last week we sent out an alert about the legislature being back in session.  This past Saturday the Senate released the Calendar for this week, and tomorrow, Wednesday, 6/24 at 9:10am there is a critical Senate hearing on HB687 (RED FLAG GUN CONFISCATION) that you can attend WITHOUT driving to Concord.  The Senate is doing a virtual hearing this week via zoom.  Details are below.

Please make every effort to ‘attend’ this hearing.  

We have discussed this bill in our emails and on our website numerous times. Bottom line is this type of legislation allows people with a personal grievance to use Government to take your firearms without due process.  Please read our short fact sheet on gun confiscation by clicking here and you can click here for an excellent video by Guns and Gadgets on the real nature of the gun confiscation bill.  Then, do not wait, start contacting your State Senator and urging them to vote HB 687 “inexpedient to legislate”. I expect that this bill will be voted on by the committee on the 24th, so there is no time to wait.

I need you to make 2 calls and email in your opposition.  

First: Call the committee at 603-271-2609 and leave a polite message with the committee secretary for all of the committee members about your opposition to this bill.

Second: Call your own senator (Find their phone number here) and leave a message about your opposition to this bill.

Third:  Send in an email to the committee that this bill needs to be killed. Email and put the bill number (HB-687) in the subject line of the email and ask them to Kill this bill.

9:10 a.m. HB 687-FN, RED FLAG Gun Confiscation relative to extreme risk protection orders.

Committee members will receive secure Zoom invitations via email.

Members of the public may attend using the following links:

  1. To sign-in and/or speak in support or opposition, please register in advance by copying this link into your browser:

  1. To submit your testimony to the committee, please send all documents via email to

  1. To listen via telephone: Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):

1-301-715-8592, or 1-312-626-6799, or 1-929-205-6099, or 1-253-215-8782, or 1-346- 248-7799, or 1-669-900-6833

  1. Or iPhone one-tap: 13126266799,,94954573376# or 19292056099,,94954573376#

  2. Webinar ID: 949 5457 3376

  3. To view/listen to this hearing on YouTube, use this link:

The following email will be monitored throughout the meeting by someone who can assist with and alert the committee to any technical issues: remotesenate@leg.state. or call (603-271-3043).


Our prior alert on this bill back in January:

Please forward this email to your friends and let them know what is going on in Concord.

There are a lot of gun owners that are not aware of this bill.

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