Critical hearing: Constitutional Carry

by NHFC, Inc. on January 26, 2017

SAVE THE DATE: Wednesday, February 1, 2017

The New Hampshire House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee will hold a public hearing on SB 12, Constitutional Carry.

As you know, the concept of “Constitutional Carry” means that you can exercise your constitutional right to protect yourself, your family, and your community without first getting the government’s permission to do so.

Senate Bill 12 would allow you to carry a concealed firearm on your person, without first getting the government’s permission in the form of a concealed carry license.  Because some jurisdictions in New Hampshire are illegally throwing obstacles into the licensing process, this would be particularly good news for Granite Staters in repressive towns and cities. We have seen first hand how the current system has been abused to deny people licenses who may lawfully purchase and or possess firearms.

In addition, in most cases, you would be able to carry a firearm in your car for the protection of yourself and your family.

Of course, if you wanted to, you could still obtain a license for purposes of reciprocity with other states.  Both of our neighbors, Maine and Vermont have Constitutional Carry laws in effect and it is time that New Hampshire join the other 2 Northern New England states and protect freedom.

It is critical that you attend this important hearing.

You can sign a pink card to speak in favor of the bill or sign in on the blue form to personally register your support for SB 12, Constitutional Carry.  We have worked hard to get to this point but we still need your help to pass the bill.

Please do the following to help us make Constitutional Carry the law in New Hampshire:

1) Click here to email the House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee and request that they vote SB 12 “ought to pass” without ANY amendments or changes.  If you need talking points, please see our alert from last years attempt to pass this important legislation.

2) Click here to sign our 2017 Constitutional Carry Petition.  We will print these and personally deliver them to the House of Representatives.

The inside rumor is that anti-gun zealot Michael Bloomberg has spent tens of thousands of dollars to “buy” New Hampshire and defeat this bill.  We need to tell Bloomberg that our state is not for sale.

Please, make every effort to attend the public hearing on February 1 at 10 AM; it’s of critical importance that hundreds and hundreds of gun owners turn out on Wednesday, February 1, at 10:00 a.m. to testify on behalf of this bill. We expect the hearing to take place in Representatives Hall. If you have never been to the State House, Representatives Hall is on the second floor of the main building.  We look forward to you being there.  If you have any questions on what to do, please click here to open our contact form.

Thanks for your support.

Alan M. Rice
Vice President & Training Director – NHFC

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