Constitutional Carry latest updates….

by NHFC, Inc. on February 2, 2017

I am happy to report that yesterday (February 1, 2017) the New Hampshire House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee voted SB 12, Constitutional Carry, “ought to pass” by a vote of 12-8.  Click here to see which Members of the House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee voted to support your Second Amendment rights.

This momentous action would not have occurred without your calls and emails.  This important vote is thanks to you, the grassroots gun owners.  Thank you to all those who traveled to Concord to support SB 12 on a snowy New Hampshire morning.

This important legislation now moves to the full house for consideration.  Please click here for contact information for your state representatives.  Then, please send them a polite note and ask your representative to vote SB 12, “ought to pass”, without ANY amendments.


Dear Representative:

Please vote SB 12, Constitutional Carry “ought to pass” without any amendments.  This important legislation restores the Constitutional rights of New Hampshire citizens by removing the requirement to obtain a license to carry a concealed handgun.  A person should not lose their Constitutional rights because they put on a coat and conceal a gun.

Thank you for your consideration.

Many local, grassroots firearms activists have been working hard for many years to get us to this point.   Groups such as Gun Owners of New Hampshire, Pro Gun New Hampshire and the Women’s Defense League.  We also appreciate the support of the National Rifle Association and Gun Owners of America.  This has truly been a team effort.  Thanks to all.

If you have not yet signed our 2017 Constitutional Carry Petition, it is not to late to do so.  Please click here to sign.  We will deliver these to the Governor.

Thanks for your support.

Alan M. Rice

Vice President & Training Director – NHFC

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