CONSTITUTIONAL CARRY IS THE LAW!!!!!!!!! Governor signs SB 12…

by NHFC, Inc. on February 22, 2017

Today, February 22, 2017, George Washington’s 285th birthday, was a great day to be a New Hampshire resident.  At about 1045 this morning, Governor Chris Sununu signed SB 12, Constitutional Carry into law.  The new law takes effect immediately.   SB 12 is now CHAPTER 1 of the laws of 2017, the first bill signed by the Governor.   Thank you for your calls and emails.

What a great birthday present for the father of our country, liberty lives on in the Live Free or Die State.  There is no other place on earth like New Hampshire!

I think that you will enjoy seeing a few photos from today’s bill signing.  I was there with NHFC President Scott Krauss and our Corporate Secretary Rep. JR Hoell and it was wonderful to watch history being made!

SB 12 does four important things:

1) It repeals the requirement to to obtain a license to carry a loaded concealed pistol or revolver OR carry a loaded pistol or revolver in a vehicle;
2) SB 12 mandates that anyone who is NOT prohibited by state or federal statute from possessing a firearm is automatically qualified to receive a license (which is now optional) for purposes of reciprocity with other states;
3) Mandates that the Department of Safety pursue reciprocity agreements with the jurisdictions that we do not currently have agreements with;
4) Finally, SB 12 increases the term of validity of a license from not less than 4 years to not less than 5 years.

It is important to note, that if you choose to carry a loaded pistol or revolver on a snowmobile or ATV, a license is still required pursuant to RSA 215 A-20 and  RSA 215 C-35 .  These statutes appear in the fish and game laws.  We would have liked to repeal them, but we felt that it was more important to fight for the significant, important changes listed above.  If you own a snowmobile or ATV please renew your pistol / revolver license.  We will diligently work to repeal these anti-gun laws.

The Union Leader interviewed NHFC Advisor, Executive Councilor  David  Wheeler:

“We’ve been working on this for 28 years,” said Repubican Executive Councilor David Wheeler of Milford, who as a state representatives sponsored some of the earliest versions of concealed carry legislation.

His son, an attorney, drafted much of the language in the bill that was signed into law on Wednesday.

Without you, the grassroots gun owners sending letters and emails and making phone calls this significant law could not have been enacted.  Your petitions made a huge difference as well.  Earlier today I delivered them to the Governor.  Please click here for photos from today’s bill signing.

Thanks for your support.

Alan M. Rice
Vice President & Training Director – NHFC

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