Constitutional Carry in the NH House, Action needed…

by NHFC, Inc. on March 18, 2015

Earlier this year we told you about SB 116, Constitutional Carry.  As you may know, this important legislation passed the New Hampshire Senate on February 12.  It is now being considered by the House of Representatives.

There is a public hearing scheduled for 10 AM on Tuesday, March 24 in Rooms 206 and 208 in the Legislative Office Building:
33 N State St
Concord, NH 03301

SB 116 repeals R.S.A. 159:4, which is the law that requires a person to have a license to carry a concealed and loaded pistol or revolver.  However, SB 116 modifies and leaves in place R.S.A. 159:6 which allows people to obtain a license.  This is important for those firearms owners who travel because the New Hampshire Pistol / Revolver license is currently valid in 22 states.

We need SB 116 to become law for several reasons, first and most importantly, the right to own, carry and use firearms is a constitutionally protected civil right.  The founders did not contemplate citizens groveling to public officials to exercise that right.  And second, last summer the state police, without any public notice, hearing or attention, modified the application form for a concealed carry license.  As long as a license is required your civil right to be armed will be at the mercy of bureaucrats.   SB 116 will put a stop to this type of behavior because the license will no longer be required!

Action Items:
1) Please plan to attend this important public hearing to show your support for “Constitutional Carry”.  Even if you do not wish to speak at the hearing, please attend and sign the blue form as being in favor of SB 116.
2) Please call AND email the members of the House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee and urge them in the strongest possible language to recommend SB 116 “ought to pass” without no amendments or changes.

New Hampshire House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee.  (You can click on the members name to send an email.)

Chairman Rep. John Tholl (603)837-2278
Vice Chairman Rep. David Welch  (603)642-4402
Rep. Dennis Fields  (603)528-6224
Rep. Robert Fesh  (603)434-1550
Rep. Dick Marston  (603)666-7334
Rep. John Burt   (603)624-5084
Rep. Shawn Sweeney  (603)265-0319
Rep. Arthur Barnes  (603)893-4754
Rep. Ed Comeau    (603)522-2275
Rep. Robert Fisher  (802)727-0441
Rep. John Martin  (603)774-3098
Rep. Harold Parker  (603)491-6807
Rep. Laura Pantelakos (603)436-2148
Rep. Roger Berube  (603)692-5653
Rep. Timothy Robertson  (603)352-7006
Rep. Robert Cushing  (603)926-2737
Rep. Geoffrey Hirsch  (603)938-2833
Rep. Andrew O’Hearne  (603)558-1038
Rep. Latha Mangipudi  (603)891-1239
Rep. Len DiSesa    (603)343-4344

Please remember to be polite but firm when you contact these Representatives.  Let them know that you expect them to vote SB 116 “Ought to Pass” without any amendments or changes.

Thanks for your support.

In Liberty,

Your New Hampshire Firearms Coalition Leadership Team

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