
Constitutional Carry In Jeopardy!

by President on January 4, 2012

I have just received word from insiders in Concord that instead of voting on HB-536 — the Constitutional Carry Bill — as planned, they are instead going to try and kill it!

Who is behind this latest effort to stonewall your Constitutional Rights?

Rep. Elaine Swinford the Republican anti-gun Chairman of the Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee.

Swinford and her committee voted to send this bill to the floor to pass, but now she is trying to rewrite history.

I need your immediate help to save Constitutional Carry in New Hampshire.

Please call Representative Elaine Swinford at  603-776-0274 or email her at elainesw@metrocast.net — Right Now — and tell her to knock it off!

Tell her to allow the vote on Constitutional Carry today that we were all told would happen.

In Liberty,

Jonathan R. Evans, Esq.
President, NHFC

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