Constitutional carry advances to full House, action needed….

by NHFC, Inc. on April 14, 2015

I am happy to report that last week, the New Hampshire House, Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee, voted SB 116, Constitutional Carry, “ought to pass”.  This is a very important step in making Constitutional Carry the law in New Hampshire.  However, there is still more work to do.

SB 116 will now be considered by the full House of Representatives.  This could happen at any time so that it is important that you contact the House leadership, Speaker Shawn Jasper and Majority Leader Rep. Jack Flanagan.  Tell them you expect them to “whip” the bill.  This means that they need to make sure that all members of their caucus vote SB 116 “ought to pass”.

We have told you about people who have been denied licenses even though they are legally allowed to own firearms, we have told you about the sudden change to the application form by the Department of Safety and of course, we have made it clear that law abiding, peaceable people, should not have to grovel to a government bureaucrat to exercise a constitutionally protected civil right.

SB 116 will, if it becomes law stop all of the above abuses.

Please deliver this message to all state representatives.

Click here to email Speaker Jasper or call him at (603) 595-9621 or (603) 271-3661.

Click here to email House Majority Leader Rep. Jack Flanagan or call him at (603) 672-7175 or (603) 271-3317, (603) 271-3529, (603) 271-3661

You also need to contact YOUR State Representatives and ask them to vote SB 116 “ought to pass”. Click here for contact information for all New Hampshire State Representatives.

Please be polite, but firm, when you ask your Representatives to support SB 116.

Thanks for your support.

In Liberty,

Scott A. Krauss

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