Christie’s newest anti-gun trick…

by NHFC, Inc. on December 24, 2015

In a desperate attempt to convince the public that he supports the Second Amendment, the virulently anti-gun New Jersey Governor, Chris Christie,  applauded a report by a “commission” that he created and filled with his pals, to “study” New Jersey’s notoriously anti-gun laws.The report is simply a restatement of the constant complaints by citizens which have been raised by our friends at the New Jersey Second Amendment Society.

Sure, the “report” looks official in all of its typed 34 pages.  But what does it really say?  Well, first, if Chris Christie was really on our side, he would have created this so called “commission” within 30 days of being sworn into office in 2010.

Why now?  Because he is running for president and voters in New Hampshire, and other early voting states don’t share the anti-gun sentiments of New Jersey.  Christie needs to at least pretend to do something even when he does nothing.  And lets not forget, following other anti-gun scofflaws who have come before him, the report was delivered several months after it was really due.

Why did it take almost 6 months for the commission to issue its findings?  Violating the Executive Order that Gov. Christie signed creating it?  Why were there no real positive changes for firearms owners included in the findings?  We can only surmise that it was released now because the New Jersey Second Amendment Society recently released several videos which show police blatantly violating the state’s already burdensome gun permit laws.

Now, back to the report.  It says things like:
“Unnecessary delays in processing applications and the imposition of unauthorized requirements in the application process violate the law and introduce arbitrariness to the exercise of a fundamental right”

The report goes on to say that:
“New Jersey places significant restraints upon who can purchase a firearm in this state and how and when such purchases can be made.”

So Governor, since your commission acknowledged that local officials are violating the law when are you going to order your handpicked Attorney General and State Police Superintendent to arrest and prosecute those law breakers?

Probably never because you seem to agree with these anti gun laws.  After all in 1993 you said:
“The issue which has motivated me to get into this race is the recent attempt by certain Republican legislators to repeal New Jersey’s ban on assault weapons,”

And what we have described above only applies to applications to purchase a handgun!  That’s right, in anti-gun Chris Christie’s New Jersey, a person must obtain police permission to merely purchase a handgun and that can take over a year!  Carry is impossible, New Jersey is a no issue state.

The report also said:

  • “The Commission recommends clarifying the regulation setting forth the criteria for carry permits to allow applicants to obtain a carry permit when they “can demonstrate an urgent necessity for self-protection by articulating serious threats, specific threats, or previous attacks which demonstrate a special danger to the applicant’s life that cannot reasonably be avoided by other means could obtain a carry permit if they are otherwise qualified.”

So basically, if you are in a coffin you might get a carry permit but otherwise forget about it!  This is very different than most of America.  It is even more restrictive than anti-gun Massachusetts.  What is really troubling is that some in New Jersey think this is an improvement!

Make no mistake, the Second Amendment is void in Chris Christie’s New Jersey.  Chris Christie is trying to fool the voters of New Hampshire and other pro-states into thinking he is on their side.

If you care to read the entire report it can be found by clicking here. The New Jersey Second Amendment Society wrote an excellent response to the report and you can read that by clicking here.

In short, this report is simply part of the Christie masquerade party where he pretends to support the Second Amendment by creating a study commission.  The “commission” is part of his campaign for president, NJ 101.5 Radio reported this when the Executive Order was signed.  Chris Christie launched his campaign for President upon the casket of Carol Bowne. A New Jersey resident who mas murdered in her front yard while awaiting police permission to purchase a self-defense handgun.

The only reason we are hearing about it again is because of the undercover videos released by the New Jersey Second Amendment Society which show police breaking the law by refusing to even accept firearms permit applications!


  • If Chris Christie was really on our side, he would pardon anyone who was EVER convicted of a strictly possessory only firearms offense in New Jersey.  Governor, clear all of their records, because in America people are not normally not put in jail for merely possessing a firearm and or ammunition.
  • If Chris Christie was really on our side he would not have directed his handpicked Attorney General to defend New Jersey’s highly restrictive concealed carry permit law.  A truly pro gun person would have become a co-plaintiff.

The facts are in and Chris Christie is anti-gun! He always has been and probably always will be.

Don’t forget, it was only 4 short years ago that anti-gun Chris Christie opposed nationwide concealed carry.  Chris Christie seems to be quite comfortable with travelers getting arrested and treated like criminals for simply having a firearm that is perfectly legal where they live.

Don’t be fooled by his phony commission and its Tom Foolery!

In Liberty,

Your New Hampshire Firearms Coalition Leadership Team

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