Chris Christie: Just another lying politician!

by NHFC, Inc. on January 18, 2016

If you watched the Republican Presidential debate on January 14, 2016 you may have been as shocked as I was to hear anti-gun New Jersey Governor Chris Christie claim he made it easier to obtain a carry permit in New Jersey.  Christie lied.

It is virtually impossible for law abiding citizens to carry a firearm for personal protection in New Jersey.  To demonstrate this, the New Jersey Second Amendment Society made an undercover video of police officers explaining that carry is non-existent in New Jersey.  We were impressed with the candor of some of these New Jersey police officers.  Some of them even seem to sympathize with the plight of law abiding firearms owners in New Jersey.  Click here for the revealing video.

Coincidentally, this happened just one week after New Jersey Second Amendment Society President Alexander Roubian traveled to New Hampshire to warn us about how anti-gun Chris Christie really is.  Mr. Roubian spent several hours speaking with members of the New Hampshire General Court (Legislature) explaining how Christie nominated anti-gun Attorney Generals and prosecutors and has done almost nothing to help law abiding gun owners.

Christie’s entire presidential campaign is built on attracting gun owners to win a Republican primary.  But the sad truth is that Christie is not planning on helping the very firearms owners whom he claims to support.  If he did, he would have pardoned Brian Aitken.

So now it seems that Christie is not only anti-gun but he may have lied to the nation twice.  First, when he claimed people may now obtain a carry permit in New Jersey and then again when he denied that he supported Sonia Sotomayor’s 2009 nomination to the US Supreme Court.  Click here to read a 2009 news report about Christie’s support for President Obama’s first Supreme Court nominee.  In 2009 Chris Christie was a New Jersey Gubernatorial Candidate.

Gov. Chris Christie is not only virulently anti-gun; he appears to at least a few observers, that he is a serial liar.

If you missed our earlier reports on anti-gun Chris Christie you can find our first report by clicking here and then click here for our second Christie report and click here for the third report on how anti-gun Chris Christie really is!

This email is not meant as an endorsement of any candidate.  We are merely providing factual information to law abiding firearms owners.

In Liberty,

Scott A. Krauss
President – NHFC

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