Calls still needed to stop an anti-gun Fish and Game Commissioner…

by NHFC, Inc. on April 7, 2017

We still need calls and emails to stop the nomination of anti-gun David Patch to serve a 5 year term on the New Hampshire Fish and Game Commission. 

Even though we still need calls, there are signs they might be starting to work.  David Patch contacted NHFC to complain about my last email.  He must think you and I are stupid because he actually claimed to support the Second Amendment and blame his anti-gun votes on some unnamed attorney’s opinion that the language in  SB 12, Constitutional Carry was “unenforceable”!  This is a smokescreen being used to deflect attention from his anti-gun activities.

Michael Hammond is a New Hampshire attorney who advises NHFC. Michael has been defending the Second Amendment for close to 40 years and serves as Legislative Counsel to our partners at Gun Owners of America.  When we were pushing for passage of SB 12, in anticipation of objections by anti-gun bureaucrats, I asked Michael if there were any weaknesses or problems with the language of SB 12 that could be exploited.  He told me there were none and recommended that we support SB 12 as written and push for passage.  I trust Michael Hammond.  I do not have any confidence in an unnamed attorney at the Fish and Game Department.

Mr. Patch did not even address his vote to oppose HB 84, a bill to end the unconstitutional ban on possessory gun offenses.

The facts are in: David Patch, as Vice Chairman, seconded and voted for not one, but two, blatantly anti-gun motions on the New Hampshire Fish and Game Commission.  Then, when he got caught, he tried to explain it all away by blaming it on some unnamed attorney.

We still do not have commitments from the Executive Council so I need you to keep calling and emailing them.

The Executive Council is expected to vote on the Patch renomination on Wednesday, April 19.  Please contact your Executive Councilor and urge him to vote NO on the confirmation vote for David Patch.  Click here for contact and district information for all 5 Executive Councilors.


Dear Councilor,

On April 19, please vote against the nomination of David Patch to the New Hampshire Fish and Game Commission.  As a Commissioner, David Patch seconded the motions to oppose SB 12 Constitutional Carry and HB 84 to end the ban on loaded firearms in vehicles; a possessory only gun offense.  David Patch has been actively lobbying the legislature on firearms specific legislation that has nothing to do with the stated purpose of the Commission in R.S.A. 206:4-a which includes:
Establishment of positions on proposed legislation that affects fish, wildlife, and marine resources and the overall management of the fish and game department.

Furthermore, as per R.S.A. 206:4-a, the Commission is supposed to be “the citizens’ representatives, to be the stewards of the fish, wildlife, and marine resources of the state of New Hampshire…”  Its clear that actively opposing bills such as SB 12 which was enacted into law on February 22, is not acting as the “citizens’ representative, to be the stewards of the fish wildlife and marine resources”.

Defeating the nomination of David Patch is a much needed step in reforming the Fish and Game Commission.

Thanks for you Consideration, very truly yours,

Please also contact the Governors Office at (603) 271-2121 or click here to use his email contact form.   Ask Governor Sununu to withdraw the anti-gun Patch nomination.  Tell him to admit that he made a mistake by renominating David Patch.

When you call, please remember, the receptionists are not the enemy.  They receive phone calls all day long about all sorts of issues.  The best thing you can do is be very kind and polite to the receptionist.  They do remember being treated well.

If you can, please also call Commissioner David Patch and tell him to withdraw his name from consideration.  You can tell him that the New Hampshire Firearms Coalition is working tirelessly to publicize his anti-gun record. Let him know that you are deeply disappointed in his behavior and he is disqualified to serve on the Commission.  You can reach David Patch at (603) 387-3771.  Or if you prefer, you can email him:

Thanks for your support!

Alan M. Rice
Vice President & Training Director – NHFC

P.S.:  Have you ever received a ticket for a loaded firearm in a vehicle?  Were you ever told by a Conservation Officer that if you are observed carrying a loaded firearm in the woods, at any time, it is presumed you are poaching?  Have you ever been forced to take a Conservation Officer back to the area where you harvested wild game and then been subjected to an endless barrage of questions, then, after answering those questions truthfully, your reward for cooperation was a ticket for maybe being a little to close to the road or to close to building even though no one was harmed?  I have been credibly informed that most Conservation Officers cannot prove such cases without an admission and they rarely read people their rights.  Never, ever lie, but remember, no one can ever be forced to talk. Silence is golden!

We want to hear your stories, please let us know.  We intend to use every legal means at our disposal to show how utterly out of control and rogue the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department has become.  We refuse to sit idly by and allow the department to continue to push gun control.

If anything like this has ever happened to you please reply to this email.  If you wish to remain anonymous we will respect your wishes, but we need your true stories to stop the anti-gun activism at the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department.  Remember, the majority of fish and game offenses are violations.  In New Hampshire, someone convicted of a violation does not face jail time.  These are very low level offenses.

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