Did you see Jon’s email on Wednesday? I have attached a copy in case you missed it. We are counting on you, the grassroots gun owner to help us to pass SB 116, Constitutional Carry. This legislation is sorely needed and will stop licensing abuses by state and local authorities.
If someone can lawfully own a firearm, we here at NHFC believe that they should be allowed to carry it, openly or concealed. Some disagree and refuse to issue licenses according to the law. SB 116 will make those licensing authorities irrelevant because a license will no longer be required for concealed carry. However, if you travel interstate and wish to take advantage of reciprocity, you may voluntarily obtain a license.
Gun Owners of America also thinks that SB 116 is a good bill that should become law.
Please call and email your Senators and ask them to vote SB 116 “ought to pass” without any amendments or changes! Constitutional Carry is long overdue in New Hampshire.
SB 116 can be brought up to the full Senate at any time, please don’t wait. Call and email now!
Click here to find your Senator.
Let the Senators know that you strongly support SB 116 and that you expect them to vote the bill “ought to pass” without delay and without any amendments or changes. A few, very anti-gun Police Chiefs, being led by Chief Shagoury from Tuftonboro and Chief Goldstein from Franklin are lying to legislators and the media about what SB 116 will do. They are claiming that felons will be allowed to carry guns; NOT TRUE! They also said 6 year olds could bring guns to school, NOT TRUE! These Police Chiefs don’t seem to trust people…. not surprising. I heard that Chief Goldstein is a psychologist… if true that certainly explains some of his anti gun views. Please let your Senators know that appointed officials, Police Chiefs, do not make law, they enforce the law. Elected officials, Senators and Representatives make the laws.
If you live in Tuftonboro or Franklin you should contact your Selectmen or Mayor and ask them how they feel about their Police Chiefs spending their time lobbying the legislature instead of keeping their towns safe.
Back in 2011, several anti-gun, anti-self-defense police chiefs opposed the “stand your ground” law. They made absurd claims. Now that the law is 4 years old, it is obvious that the chiefs were wrong in 2011 and they are wrong today about “Constitutional Carry”.
You can write your own note or click here and scroll to the end and use the GOA pre-written letter to Senators.
Please send a copy to alerts@nhfc-ontarget.org of any emails that you receive from your Senators.
We all need to work together to pass this important legislation.
In Liberty,
Vice President, NHFC
Subject: Constitutional carry moves to full senate, calls needed….
Date: Wed, 4 Feb 2015 01:24:31 +0000
From: Jonathan R. Evans, Esq. President, NHFC <president@nhfc-ontarget.org>
Reply-To: Jonathan R. Evans, Esq. President, NHFC <president@nhfc-ontarget.org>
To: Scott A. Krauss <SKrauss@nhfc-ontarget.org>

We have a long road ahead but this is a great start and we thank all of you for doing your part.
One thing you should know is that the vote was NOT unanimous. It was 3 to 1 in favor. The vote came down as follows:
Senator Carson, voted YES
Senator Cataldo, Voted YES
Senator Daniels, voted YES
Senator Pierce, voted NO
Senator Lasky, ABSENT
The message we received was clear but not perfect. “Why should law enforcement waste time and resources issuing licenses to the law abiding instead of enforcing the law against real criminals?” This is absolutely correct; the mere carrying of a gun without a license should note be a crime!
So why was the vote not unanimously in favor? It should have been, but sometimes Senators misunderstand that the police do not make law, they enforce the law. A few anti-gun police chiefs have been vocally opposing SB 116; just like they opposed the “stand your ground” self defense law which was passed in 2011. Senators need to be reminded of this.
SB 116 now moves on to the full Senate. A vote could come very soon. Please contact your Senators, now, don’t wait. Click here to find your Senator.
You can use the pre-written letter from Gun Owners of America or draft your own and simply state you are in favor of SB 116, Constitutional Carry and want it to be the law in NH. Please vote “ought to pass” when SB 116 comes before the full Senate.
Keep Fighting!
In Liberty,
President – NHFC