Breaking News on Constitutional Carry

by President on May 16, 2012

Yesterday I told you our last chance to pass Constitutional Carry was for the Senate to take it off the table either today or tomorrow.

I was pleasantly surprised today to learn several Representatives in the House are trying to tack Constitutional Carry onto a Senate Bill currently in the House.

Unfortunately, confusion in the House and quite a few absent members made their attempt come up a few votes short.

The good news is they may try again tomorrow.

That is where you come in.

I need you to call your Representatives today.

With the Senate appearing more and more likely to leave Constitutional Carry on the table to die, this attempt in the House gives us one more chance to get Constitutional Carry passed this year.

That is why I need you to let your Representatives know you want them to support adding the language of HB 536, Constitutional Carry, as it was passed by the House back in January, to a Senate Bill.  Tell them you want them to force to Senate to pass Constitutional Carry now, and not make law abiding gun owners wait till next session.

Today’s attempt was to attach Constitutional Carry, as passed by the House in January, to SB 308 and it came up a few votes short.  The same Representatives may try to use the same bill again tomorrow, or they may choose an entirely different bill.

Make sure your Representative knows you want them to support adding Constitutional Carry to whatever bill it is being added to.

There is not much time left in the Session.  If this attempt in the House fails, and the Senate doesn’t take HB 536 off the table tomorrow, Constitutional Carry will be dead for the year.

That is why I need you to act now!

In Liberty,

Jonathan R. Evans, Esq.
President – NHFC

P.S. The New Hampshire Firearms Coalition is working tirelessly to keep gun owners like you up-to-date on as many gun issues as possible — please consider contributing to the effort by chipping in $15 or $20.

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