Bills to hit this week or next… time to call the Governor

by Secretary, NHFC on July 20, 2019

Emailed out on 7/18/2019

Did you see the letter that Rep. JR Hoell sent out yesterday?  There is a copy below.

While we don’t know exactly which day the bills will hit the Governor’s desk, we do know that there is only one additional signature that is needed and that the bills could be on the Governor’s desk as early as tomorrow or next week.  Now is the time to make calls if you have not already done so.  Please read the alert below and give a call to the Governor. 603-271-2121


We at NHFC wanted to email you about the status of four nasty anti-gun bills.

All four bills have been enrolled and are now awaiting the signature of the Senate President.  One of our board members spoke with both the Speaker’s office and the Secretary of State’s office yesterday to confirm the status. The next step after the signature of Senate President Soucy is the Governor’s desk.  That is when the 5 day period starts where the Governor needs to sign or veto the bills.

The most dangerous bill of the four is HB696, which mandates that a police officer confiscate firearms on a mere accusation.  Yes, you heard me correctly…

…So much for your 4th amendment protections, so much for being able to defend yourself in court, so much for being able have a fair and impartial hearing in front of your peers, and so much for not seizing property without a court order.

This bill destroys all of those Natural and Constitutional rights in one shot (no pun intended).

However, the Governor can still veto this bill and ask that the legislature draft a bill that protects the elderly without violating the rights declared in the US and NH Constitutions.  For the Governor to do that, he needs to hear from you.

I have one favor to ask from each of you.  I know that many of you have been making calls and sending emails.  Thank you!

The sad reality is that the Anti-gun forces just stopped the nomination of the AG to the New Hampshire Supreme Court.  To counter act them, we need more gun owners involved.

Please call one  or more of your Pro-Second Amendment friends, share what is going on and ask them to call the Governor’s office.  I would also ask that you share this link so they can sign up for our alerts.  NHFirearms.Org

The greater our numbers, the bigger impact we can have.

 Here is a list of bills that need to be vetoed by the Governor.  Call his office at 603-271-2121

HB 109, Sell a gun to a friend and go to jail;
HB 514, Buy a gun, go home without it,
HB 564, Criminal safe schools;
HB 696, Elder care gun confiscation.

 For those that want to know more about HB696, here is an op-ed co-written by one of our advisors and myself, summarizing the issues regarding HB696:

Please let your friends know that the New Hampshire Firearms Coalition still has a few remaining Constitutional Carry bumper stickers that they can have for free for just calling the Governors office and asking Gov. Sununu to veto all four anti-gun bills.

Call to Action:

1.     Call the Governor’s office at 271-2121, thank him for his pro-gun nomination to the New Hampshire Supreme Court and ask him to veto all 4 anti-gun bills ( HB109, HB514, HB564 and HB696).

Click to receive your free Constitutional Carry bumper sticker after you have called.

In liberty,

 JR Hoell
Corporate Secretary – NHFC, Inc.P.S.: Have you signed our petition opposing all anti-gun bills?  If not, please click here to sign.  We have already printed and delivered almost 1,300 of your petitions to Speaker of the House and another box of 2,200 to the Senate Judiciary Committee but we need even more signed petitions before we deliver these to the Governor.

The New Hampshire Firearms Coalition is working tirelessly to keep gun owners like you up-to-date on as many gun issues as possible — please consider contributing to the effort by chipping in $15 or $20.

Was this email forwarded to you?  Click here to go to our home page and sign up for legislative alerts.

Click here to support NHFC by purchasing one of our custom rifles.

Not an NHFC Member?  Click here to join.

*Supplies limited to the first few hundred gun owners that respond.


As I mentioned above, please call the Governor, 603-271-2121, and ask him to veto all 4 bills.

In liberty,

 Paul Marquis
Vice President – NHFC, Inc.P.S.: Have you signed our petition opposing all anti-gun bills?  If not, please click here to sign.  We have already delivered over 2,500 petitions to the House and Senate and last week we delivered almost 2800 printed petitions to the Governor’s office.

The New Hampshire Firearms Coalition is working tirelessly to keep gun owners like you up-to-date on as many gun issues as possible — please consider contributing to the effort by chipping in $15 or $20.

Was this email forwarded to you?  Click here to go to our home page and sign up for legislative alerts.

Click here to support NHFC by purchasing one of our custom rifles.

Not an NHFC Member?  Click here to join.

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