Bad Constitutional amendment proposed, action needed….

by NHFC, Inc. on February 24, 2018

It seems whenever the General Court is in session danger lurks within the statehouse.  Next week, on Tuesday, February 27, the House Municipal and County Government Committee will conduct an executive session on CACR 19.

CACR 19 is a proposal that, if approved by a three fifths majority vote of of each house of the legislature, will be placed on the November 6 General Election Ballot as a Constitutional Amendment and must receive the support of two thirds of the voters.

CACR 19 is very dangerous.  You may recall that we told you about HB 1749, state wide preemption, that would have stopped local gun bans.  Even though HB 1749 was defeated, the publicity surrounding it forced many gun ban advocates to admit that current law does in fact prohibit local gun bans.  CACR 19 would change all of that, it would make New Hampshire a “home rule” state and would thus allow local gun bans.

Our friends at Gun Owners of New Hampshire have written extensively about the dangers of CACR 19.  GONH President Mitch Kopacz said:
“It actually does not provide you, the individual, with self-governance.  In fact, it empowers your local county, municipality, town, or city government, under the guise of protecting health, safety, and welfare, to enact local laws recognizing or establishing your rights of natural person,the rights of your community and the rights of nature.  It also further expands the local government’s proposed given power to secure those rights by using prohibitions and other necessary means, including measures to establish, define, alter, or eliminate competing rights, powers, privileges, immunities, or duties of corporations and other business entities operating, or seeking to operate, in the community.”

He then went on to say that:
” This Constitutional amendment further enables the local governmental body to establish, define, alter or eliminate competing rights while simultaneously creating competition to our unalienable rights by establishingrights for the community and nature.  While the Constitutional amendment specifically states that local laws cannot weaken or constrict our fundamental rights, it likewise specifies the same protections for the rights to be given to the community and nature.  The take away is that our unalienable rights are to be on equal footing with the rights given to the nature and the community.  “

Along with GONH, we are joined by our national partners at Gun Owners of America in opposing CACR 19.  Legislative Counsel Michael Hammond said: “CACR 19 will make the most anti-gun towns even more anti-gun and prompt those towns that are currently restrained by R.S.A. 159:26 to start limiting gun usage.”

In short, CACR 19 will enable local gun bans, waiting periods, no carry zones, bans on gun stores and pretty much anything else that anti-gun local bureaucrats can dream up.  This is why we must stop CACR 19 from being voted for by a three fifths of the legislature.  Here is what you can do to help, click here to email a prewritten message to the House Municipal and County Government Committee.

After you contact the committee, go to this link to find out who your state reps are and send them this prewritten message:

Dear Representatives,

You will soon consider CACR 19 which will allow virtually unlimited authority to cities and towns to enact all sorts of regulations.  The New Hampshire Firearms Coalition told me that CACR 19 will allow local gun bans and other restrictions on firearms possession, sales and carry.  It was bad enough that you voted to send HB 1749, statewide preemption to interim study and kill the bill, but to allow CACR 19 to proceed will turn long standing New Hampshire freedoms on end by allowing local gun bans.

Please vote CACR 19 “inexpedient to legislate”.


Thanks for your support!

In liberty,

Alan M. Rice
President – NHFC, Inc.

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