Anti-gun Senator Ayotte still needs to hear from you…

by NHFC, Inc. on June 30, 2016

Last week Scott told you about how U.S. Senator Kelly Ayotte has become an anti-gun activist.  Well, it’s worse then we thought.

When Scott sent his email out we knew that Senator Ayotte was teaming up with Senators Collins (R-Maine), Toomey (R-Pennsylvania), Schumer (D-New York) and Graham (R-South Carolina) to place people on a secret gun ban list.  The Ayotte gun ban list would force people to prove their innocence instead of forcing the government to prove a person is guilty.  The Ayotte scheme reverses over 200 years of American jurisprudence.

It seems that Senator Ayotte has forgotten what she learned in law school, that in America, people are innocent until proven guilty. Beyond a reasonable doubt, 99.999% certainty that the right person is being convicted.  Sadly, Senator Ayotte wants to ban gun ownership based on the far lower level of proof known as reasonable suspicion.  A police officer may stop a car based on reasonable suspicion.  However, that level of proof is far too low for a judge to sign a search warrant or an arrest warrant.  But Senator Ayotte wants to use that low burden of proof to ban gun ownership.

Now, she is running a reelection campaign on her newly adopted anti-gun agenda.  Senator Ayotte claims this is about ISIS but what about people who are wrongly accused of being terrorists?  It could be you or I or any other NHFC members who are falsely placed on the Ayotte gun ban list and are forced to prove our innocence! CNN has reported that the so-called no-fly list is riddled with errors.

A federal judge has already said there is no way off the so-called no-fly list for those who are falsely placed on it.

This is not the first time that Senator Ayotte has acted anti-gun. You may recall that a few years ago she refused to support a filibuster that would have stopped most gun ban bills.  Then, she voted to confirm anti-gun Loretta Lynch as U.S. Attorney General.

Here is what you can do to help: Call Senator Ayotte, at once, without delay and firmly tell her to drop the idea of making American’s prove their innocence.  Tell her that you strongly oppose her anti-gun agenda.

You can reach her at (202) 224-3324 or (603)436-7161 or (603) 880-3335 or (603) 622-7979 or (603) 628-1012 or (603) 657-0051.  Please remember to be polite and respectful when you tell Sen. Ayotte to keep her hands off the Second Amendment.

If you prefer to send email, please click here.

Thanks for your support.

Alan M. Rice
Vice President & Training Director – NHFC

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