ANTI-GUN Sen. Ayotte needs to hear from you….

by NHFC, Inc. on June 26, 2016

As you may know, we work closely with Gun Owners of America [GOA] to protect the Constitutional rights of law abiding citizens.

Even though most anti-gun bills failed yesterday, the fight is not over.  Anti-gun Sen. Kelly Ayotte is trying to strip you of your rights without due process.

Please review this critical alert from GOA, and this Union Leader article about how US Senator Ayotte is now sponsoring a new amendment to prohibit people from obtaining a firearm.  She believes that it is acceptable to force you to petition the court to get your rights back.  Apparently our Senator is unfamiliar with the concept of “innocent until proven guilty”.

Sen. Ayotte wants to strip citizens of their civil right to purchase or own a firearm based on a low level of proof known as “reasonable suspicion”.  This level of “proof” is so low that a judge would not even authorize a search warrant or an arrest warrant.  Those require a much higher level of proof known as “probable cause”.  In other words, Sen. Ayotte wants to strip Constitutional rights without due process and thinks an arbitrary government agency should be able to add you to a list with the simple stroke of a pen based on mere suspicion.

All this in addition to voting for “cloture” on an anti-gun amendment by Sen. Dianne Feinstein.  Sen. Ayotte’s office is claiming all she wants is a debate and the “cloture” vote simply allows a debate.  What they are not saying, is that “cloture”, requires 60 votes to bring a bill to the floor, and a “cloture” motion can be debated as well. However, once the bill is on the floor only 51 votes are required for passage.  Thus, anti-gun Sen. Ayotte is making it easier for the gun ban elites to strip law abiding Americans of their Constitutional rights.

Please read the alert from our friends at GOA.  Then call Sen. Ayotte and tell her to stop pandering to the gun ban crowd.  You can reach her at (202) 224-3324 or 603-436-7161 or 603-880-3335 or 603-622-7979 or 603-628-1012 or 603-657-0051.  Please remember to be polite and respectful when you tell Sen. Ayotte to keep her hands off the Second Amendment.

Her staff will try to convince you that she is on our side.  That is a lie, this latest anti-gun action comes after she voted for “cloture” on the post Newton gun bans and voted to confirm anti-gun Loretta Lynch as US Attorney General.  Sen. Ayotte is not our friend!

Thanks for your support.

In Liberty,

Scott A. Krauss
President – NHFC

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