We still need your help.
The following anti-gun bills are still alive and must be defeated:
CACR4, Allowing Local gun bans, Executive session March 13
CACR8, Allowing Local gun bans, Executive session March 13
Click here for contact information for all State Representatives. They need to keep hearing from you; let them know that you are opposed to ALL of these bills..
Earlier this week, the House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee conducted a public hearing on gun confiscation, HB 687. I want to thank all the gun owners who came to Concord to fight this significant infringement on our rights. There was a great turn out opposing this bill.
The committee will hold an executive session on March 13. Please do not delay, even if you attended the hearing you still need to contact the members of the Committee to express your opposition to HB 687, gun confiscation.
The House has already passed, HB 696, gun confiscation cleverly disguised as an “elder care” bill. However, HB 696 has been sent to the Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee for further review. We need to make sure the members of the Committee here us loud and clear, NOT ONE SINGLE WORD OF GUN CONTROL IS ACCEPTABLE.
Pre-written message to Members of the House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee:
Dear Representatives:
Last week when you conducted a public hearing on HB 687, gun confiscation, it was abundantly clear that opponents outnumbers supporters. And for good reason, HB 687 deprives individuals of their Second, Fourth and Fourteenth Amendment rights without due process by allowing ex-parte hearings, conducted by telephone to allow judges to order the confiscation of a person’s guns without that person even being present. Sure, the accused can have a court hearing after his/her property has been taken but that is not due process. Furthermore, the “accused” would be forced to spend tens of thousands of dollars on attorneys and experts to reclaim their civil right to bear arms. A person who is accused of a crime, even a low level offense retains their Constitutional right to face their accuser and have their day in court before punishment is meted out. However, in the case of HB 687 and its close relative, HB 696, a person will be deprived of their property without a court hearing. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! As a strong supporter of the Second Amendment, I urge you to OPPOSE both Gun Confiscation Bills, HB 687 and HB 696. Please do not force this unconstitutional scheme into law.
Please vote BOTH HB 687 and HB 696 “inexpedient to legislate”; The New Hampshire Firearms Coalition will keep me informed of your vote.
Thank you for your consideration.
You might remember that last year we warned you about CACR 19, the “Home Rule” Constitutional Amendment that would have allowed, even encouraged local gun bans. CACR 19 was defeated thanks to your calls and emails but the sponsors have reintroduced it. And to make matters worse they have done so twice, CACR 4 and CACR 8 are both “Home Rule” Constitutional Amendments that will allow local gun bans. These bipartisan enemies of freedom just never give up so we can never rest. Both of these anti-gun CACRs are being considered by the House Municipal and County Government Committee and they could issue a recommendation as soon as next week. Please don’t wait, contact the committee at once to voice your opposition.
Please use this pre-written message to the Members of the Municipal and County Government Committee
Dear Representatives,
You will soon consider CACR 4 and CACR 8 which will allow virtually unlimited authority to cities and towns to enact all sorts of regulations. The New Hampshire Firearms Coalition told me that these proposed Constitutional Amendments will allow local gun bans and other restrictions on firearms possession, sales and carry. Allowing either one of these proposed Constitutional Amendments to proceed will turn long standing New Hampshire freedoms on end by allowing local gun bans. Please also oppose HB 655, the 2019 Range Closure Act.
Please vote HB 655, CACR 4 and CACR 8 “inexpedient to legislate”; The New Hampshire Firearms Coalition will keep me informed of your vote.
As always, if any State Representative(s) write back, please send me a copy: arice@nhfc-ontarget.org
Thanks for your support!
In liberty,
Alan M. Rice, President – NHFC, Inc.