Anti-gun bills are coming…

by NHFC, Inc. on October 6, 2017

I’m both elated and concerned at the same time.  The summer is over and the bill filing period has opened and that means legislators may submit bills for the 2018 Session of the General Court.  While I don’t want to rush to judgement, there are a few titles, sponsored by those Representatives who have in the past been hostile to your right to bear arms, which have me concerned.

Rep. Delmar Burridge, (D-Cheshire 16) wants to prohibit the open carry of firearms.  Rep. Janice Schmidt (D-Hillsborough 28) wants to take away the Second Amendment rights of tenants.  She is sponsoring a bill, the title of which says:

“prohibiting tenants from possessing firearms under the terms of the lease.”

Representative Schmidt even sent me an email asking for NHFC’s help to pass the bill.  That is the height of arrogance, to ask a leader in the pro-gun movement to help pass a gun ban!  After I read her email I asked an NHFC member who lives in her district to contact her as ask about her bill.  She wrote that:

“This bill is a desperate cry for help from a street full of citizens frightened for their and their children’s safety. When open carry was made law a man in Nashua decided to take it literally and now marches up and down his street fully loaded and looking for someone to address him. The police can do nothing, the citizens are afraid of retribution if they try to talk with him. They’re scared to let children out of the house for fear of his behavior, as he has a bad temper and has been in trouble with the police before.

This was the last hope for them, that their community could weed out people who haven’t the slightest idea of how to be a responsible gun owner.”

All I can say is WOW!   Open carry has been the law in New Hampshire for over 200 years; she just noticed?  She doesn’t seem to understand that the simple act of carrying a gun, concealed or openly is not now and has never been a crime in New Hampshire.  Actions such as assault, criminal threatening and destruction of property, now those are crimes.  Carrying a gun is not a crime.

Representative Schmidt thinks its OK to take away the Second Amendment rights of tenants.  Whats next?  Where will she stop?  This anti-gun scheme must be stopped.

Rep. Schmidt wants her “fears” to trump your civil right to be armed. This is like someone saying that I am afraid that there will be a car crash tomorrow and therefore no one can have a car. Or I am afraid of this religion or that race and therefore they need to be prohibited from our society.  We would never allow those actions, so why would we allow her to let her radical gun control thoughts trample our rights.

If you have grave concerns about her goals, you may want to call or email her. Be polite but firm  when you ask her to withdraw her LSR 2018-2112 (Legislative Service Request) for this radical bill. Rep. Schmidt’s contact information is:

11 Pope Circle
Nashua, NH  03063-3307
Phone: (603)880-6060

But as I said above, I am also elated.  I am elated because earlier this week, there was a Special Primary Election for State Representative in Hillsborough 15 and Al MacArthur won.  Mr. MacArthur returned his NHFC survey on time and 100% pro-gun while his opponent returned the survey late and it included several anti-gun comments.  I wasn’t surprised.  Mr. MacArthur is truly one of us.  He is a certified firearms instructor and a Board Member of the Wilson Hill Pistol Club.

NHFC will send out another Candidate Grade sheet before the November 7 General Election.  We expect turnout to be heavy due to the hotly contested Mayoral Race in Manchester. NHFC can only inform and educate you about the views of the candidates. It is up to you, the law abiding firearms owner to decide whether or not you value your civil right to be armed enough to get involved.  When gun owners stick together and stand up to the anti-gun candidates, beneficial legislation can be passed, when we are complacent and let the other priorities in our lives take over, we end up with anti-gun legislators.

Earlier this summer, when many folks were busy with their private lives, there was a Special Election in Senate district 16. There were two good choices running for office and one anti-gun zealot. Unfortunately, the anti-gun zealot was elected.

If you do not want that to happen again, if your Constitutional rights matter, please take the time to find out what is happening during these off season elections and get involved.

I am also elated because several of our friends in the legislature will be introducing bills to repeal the requirement to obtain a license to carry a pistol on a snowmobile or ATV as well as other pro-gun reform legislation.  But to make these bills a reality and to stop the Burridge / Schmidt gun ban agenda I need your help.  I expect heavy resistance from the anti-gun activists in the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department and Fish and Game Commission and their apologists in the Legislature  like Representative. Robert L’Heureux, (R-Hillsborough 21) Gene Chandler (R-Carroll 1) and James Webb (R-Rockingham 6).

But with your help we can win!  See above…. I will continue to rely on the volunteer efforts of

If you are an NHFC Member you can help by renewing your membership early.  This will save us the cost of printing and mailing you a renewal letter. Funds that I would rather use to stop the  Burridge / Schmidt gun ban agenda.  To renew you membership early just click here to sign up.  All “new” memberships are checked against our list and processed as a renewal if a person is already an NHFC member.

If you are not an NHFC Member but have been receiving our alerts, please click here to join.  We really need your support.  NHFC is only as big and strong as our membership.

Thanks for your support!

In liberty,

Alan M. Rice
Vice President & Training Director – NHFC

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