Alexander Roubian Visits New Hampshire

On January 7, 2016, Alexander Roubian, President of the New Jersey Second Amendment society traveled to New Hampshire to warn us about anti-gun Gov. Chris Christie.   Mr. Roubian visited the New Hampshire State House and met with numerous New Hampshire Representatives and Senators to explain how anti-gun Chris Christie really is.  Alexander was amazed at how many people in New Hampshire lawfully carry firearms.

He contrasted that with his home state of anti-gun New Jersey where people go to jail for possessing a firearm.



Left to Right NHFC Secretary and  State Rep. JR Hoell, Alexander Roubian, President, New Jersey Second Amendment Society, Pro-Gun State Rep. John Burt and NHFC Vice President, Alan Rice


Alexander meeting pro-gun  State Senator Gary Daniels (R-11)

DSCN0016Alexander explaining to pro-gun State Senator Andy Sanborn (R-9) why Chris Christie is the worst nightmare gun owners in New Jersey have ever had.  Alexander and Senator Sanborn spoke at length about Chris Christie’s gun banning ways.